OT 32" vs 30" Barrels

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1560 has always been the ideal weight for OT,    picked up an S04 a while back, it was a live pigeon gun and silly quick, balance was perfect, but took zero effort to propel it, it was 29" and no weight markings, so I weighed the tubes, they were dead 1200gms......

I love a nice little gun, but always tend to go back to 32" as it steadys me up, its my personal preference, its either that or bungee the muzzles on a 29.5 to my right foot.....

1630 is a good weight. I struggle with anythiing much less than 1550 and more than 1650. 

My 30 barrels are 1590. It 2as one of the factors that made me keep the perazzi ovr the Kemen I had. They were 1550. It's not much but the additional 40g just gave that additionsl confidence when shooting  the last target for a 25 straight.

I had a Beretta 682 gold last year with 1510 barrels. Ended up with 80g of lead under the forend. That has now gone too. 

Isn't the thing to do to focus on buying a new gun from a ground that holds a big stock and has a variety of "Demonstrators" so that you can arrange with the ground to shoot with each gun a number of times to help choose the ideal one? e.g. Coleys for one and probably Doveridge!

Isn't the thing to do to focus on buying a new gun from a ground that holds a big stock and has a variety of "Demonstrators" so that you can arrange with the ground to shoot with each gun a number of times to help choose the ideal one? e.g. Coleys for one and probably Doveridge!
Yes Robert, in an ideal world that's how it should work! Unfortunately we don't live in such a world.

Yes Robert, in an ideal world that's how it should work! Unfortunately we don't live in such a world.
If you are lucky a gun dealer may have one of each model, let alone various barrel lengths with various weights.

Les mate, lend me your gun for a month please. :)


If you are lucky a gun dealer may have one of each model, let alone various barrel lengths with various weights.

Les mate, lend me your gun for a month please. :)

Its funny how so many people have volunteered to help me try out an old fashioned trap gun Greg! You know,....just to help me run it in so to speak! Pmsl!!!

Sod helping you 'run it in'! I just want to see if I can shoot any better with shorter, lighter gun. :)


On the whole I agree with ips.  I'm not sure balance is the right word since that seems to be related to how the gun feels unmounted - which is BS AFAIC since I shoot mounted gun games.  What IS important is how much apparent weight is carried in the front hand

exactly. I see no relevance in barrell weight on its own, much is dependant on overall weight ie stock weight and were it is on the stock. I have had heavy guns out of the shoulder but once mounted the weight dissapeared conversley I have had relatively light barrels but with awful weight distribution. My point is you cannot Imo discuss a single measurement on its own as the whole dynamics must be taken into account. imho

exactly. I see no relevance in barrell weight on its own, much is dependant on overall weight ie stock weight and were it is on the stock. I have had heavy guns out of the shoulder but once mounted the weight dissapeared conversley I have had relatively light barrels but with awful weight distribution. My point is you cannot Imo discuss a single measurement on its own as the whole dynamics must be taken into account. imho
Yes Ian, distribution of mass and distribution of weight are critical factors!

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