OT clay on the pip/bead

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Yes ips ,i could shoot without a rib,i only peripheral see the muzzle end while actually shooting.

how far off being were you want to be are you Paul ? Those extra two targets per round are not from my experience down to anything other than lack of focus on those two targets. if you were averaging 17 then you have a problem but your current set up obviously works for you

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None of it makes sense to me neither,ive tried every configuration you can imagine exept bending the neck of the stock.

How much rib are you seeing below the bead? 
I think when you looked down my gun at Lonato you thought it was a four pounder Greg :)  . I have a lot of rib showing but then again I don't think I actually use the bead as a sighting tool. I rely mainly on hoping in know where my gun is pointing in relation to the target.

I don't see what bit doesn't make sense to folk.

Paul is questioning the sight picture and wondering if his set up is too low as he is having to blot the target out in order to impart enough lead. Raising poi will help keep the target in view however in reality Imo if you are conscious of seeing a sight picture you will probably miss anyway. Furthermore I suspect regardless if poi set up you do in reality have to push through the target to give enough lead anyway its just that when shooting well you are not aware of it. One only becomes aware of things when your not shooting well !!!!

One only becomes aware of things when your not shooting well !!!!
Ian this is so true !! I was shooting yesterday and shot a , for me, decent 23 in the first round then in the second I missed four of the first five out !! I had not a clue what was wrong but then started chasing my tail .. shot a 17!!  The trend was then set I shot two more rounds and in each questioned every shot I made whether I hammered it or not... it made for very erratic shooting. I think my problem was tiredness I had been working laying a new tile floor all week and then had driven five hours collecting my wife from the airport the day before and on the day had to drive for an hour and a half to get to the ground... sometimes you cannot see the wood for the trees :)   But like you when I do shoot well it all just happens and there is not a conscious thought made during the round just concentration on seeing the target.

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I have been reading the book by Churchill explaining "the method" lots of it is about stance and gun mount and how to use hands etc BUT he constantly mentions at every opportunity to "focus on a specific part of the bird" and alludes to the fact that no conscious thought is given to lead or timing you just focus on the bird and if your gunmount is reliable the shot will happen all in its own. He also states that inexperienced shooters try to hard not to miss and inevitably do.

its a brilliant book and a brilliant method relying totally on the subconscious ?

its a brilliant book and a brilliant method relying totally on the subconscious ?
That sounds like a good recommendation Ian I think I will try to lay my hands on a copy what is the actual title ?... although truth be told I barely have a conscious let alone subconscious :lol:  I was working away today finishing of some trim in a room I have just renovated... nearly lopped my left hand index finger off with the chop saw :lol:  seriously though I was fortunate did a nasty slice job on the tip of it but just stemmed the blood flow and then put some plasters on it and managed to get the job finished off. I will redress it tomorrow... when no doubt it will be bloody sore :lol:  it is throbbing a wee bit at the moment.


Hold the bus on that Ian I have just looked up on Amazon there is a copy on there ... new £396 or secondhand  £210 ... can you either write the complete text out or maybe just explain the finer details :lol:

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John - I'm sure I can get you a copy for WAAAAAY less than that.  Let me look around.  There are a couple different ones too.

here y'are


closer to home


ocus on the bird and if your gunmount is reliable
as in gunfit is essential that is why every bespoke gun maker had a try stock.  If the gun does not shoot where you look you will not hit the target if you are looking at IT!

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John - I'm sure I can get you a copy for WAAAAAY less than that.  Let me look around.  There are a couple different ones too.

here y'are
The book I was looking at was a different title Charlie that is why I need to know the title. I have just had another look and there is another title How To Shoot - Some Lessons In The Science Of Shot Gun Shooting the other was Robert Churchill's Game Shooting: The Definitive Book on the Churchill Method of Instinctive Wingshooting for Game and Sporting Clays which for some reason is very expensive.

Ips im not trying to over think it when shooting but as im from sporting i know what the gun is doing in relation to target in all situations, and although blotting it out like a fast teal works most of the time i cant help thinking a high shooting gun may alow me to control the clay more with the gun.

Westley im in Staffordshire, thanks for the offer,definitely going to be trying as many as possible over the off season.
Bummer, I was down that way yesterday, at Doveridge.

Any particular part? 
that's the funny thing according to Churchill it doesn't matter beak, leg whatever as long as focus is on a specific thing. Its exactly same as my mantra of look for leading edge of clay ?


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