OT hold point

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Thanks Les
No worries mate. It's not like any shooting book I've ever read before though, lots of psychological stuff in it, takes quite a while to get to grips with it, but pretty enlightening once you get your head around it!!!!

I have just watched a few more of Renato's videos on you tube where he had 3 guys being coached together and I noticed their hold point seemed very high indeed, here is the link

I have just watched a few more of Renato's videos on you tube where he had 3 guys being coached together and I noticed their hold point seemed very high indeed, here is the link

High hold points never have worked for me.  Seems like it takes way more time to get the gun moving after I see the target, have to muscle it to get the gun speed, and the low targets are always problematic.  Even with pigeons and helice I keep the gun down so I really "see" the field and the target.

but that's just me trying to accommodate a deficient skill set 

I have always preferred high hold but am experimenting with low at the moment.

When I used to shoot dtl I used a high hold, but it seemed to work because the targets were at a known height. So different to fast trap.

Well its always worked for me but Fred considers it advanced technique, well i am of advanced age as far as shooting is concerned but not advanced as far as being any good so that is why i am trying low hold :)


mounting on the mark seems to be working thus far but takes a bit of getting used to when you have always used high hold but I will persevere as I think it will be beneficial long term.

shot a 90x100 ot fri and a 42x50 (in poor light) today so quite pleased.

target aquisition seems to be better / quicker but obviously more gun swing required on certain targets, spose its a swings and roundabouts scenario.

Nice shooting by any measure Ian! I was watching Alipov on vid earlier today, low hold point and very long dwell time over the mark indeed longer than any other part of the set up. I reckon it took him 3 seconds or so to close and mount his gun and five seconds to actually get the shot off! Now the light was bad but it does show how long he holds over the mark.

Yes he is of the mount then compose brigade something i have never been able to master due to the attention span of a gold fish :)

Have you also noticed that his gun is moving ever so slowly up whilst calling for target, Mr 40up informs me that alipovs father did this also but more pronounced, in fact it was a style i used for a number of years in the 90s but i stopped when i simplified things as by then my routine had become clustered with unnecessary anomaly.

I don't know if any (many?) of you are old enough to remember when the common haha was that the Russians claim to have invented everything.  Some years back the moving gun was the Russian Way and they started at the back of the roof and called for the target when they reached the front edge.  Didn't know that it was still used by anyone.  I tried it for a while but just never felt comfortable with it for reasons I can't explain.  Prolly just trying to do too many things at once    :crazy:


yes thats the one, I shot that way for many years it always felt comfortable to me and a moving gun or at least something moving as part of gunmount still is a necessity for me otherwise I find that I can't start a smooth swing, a totaly static gun hold and I just feel jerky at the start of the gun movement. Alipov and I think one other (cant remember who) do it on the world cup circuit, 40up remembers seeing alipovs dad using the more pronounced style that you refer to.

Just my two pence worth.

Hold Point for me is what ever makes you clearly see the the target prior to moving, the main thing I always keep in mind is not to have my eyes and

Gun to far apart. Infact I would always hold my eyes 12" above the gun if i was on the mark, or 2' above it.


yes i agree with eyes not too far detached from poi. I have played about a lot recently with various things hold point being one of them however strangely i seem to end up back were i started a style that works well but seems to suffer consistency. I am now of the opinion that i have analysed things to far and in danger of digging a big hole so time to stop and get back to concentrating solely on seeing the target.

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I hope you have not been worrying about the myelin sheath too much Ian ! :)

I have had a sleepless night reading many medical journals on the subject ... Not.

Point gun were i am looking, see target properly, let it happen.

This has been and will remain my technique, for better or for worse so help me god, blah blah.

Ian the book is not a scientific analysis of the subject but the story put together to add another dimension to coaching ... anything and some people just fall hook line and sinker for the holy grail the thing that is going to make them supreme. And of course coaches will mention it in their hard sell though they understand nothing of the subject it sounds high tech and where everybody should be at. G and V  have an almost evangelical following in the states and even perhaps world wide nothing wrong in that and perhaps proves they are good at what they do but it is nearly all down to online hard sell in my opinion others can disagree as is their prerogative. I think the comment in that post was a sound bite saying hey, to the other coach, this is where we are at its science not just pointing a shotgun ...ppft what a load of manure.  Hell a number of neurologists are not absolutely certain of the full function of the myelin and how it effects signalling.

Just my two pence worth.

Hold Point for me is what ever makes you clearly see the the target prior to moving, the main thing I always keep in mind is not to have my eyes and

Gun to far apart. Infact I would always hold my eyes 12" above the gun if i was on the mark, or 2' above it.
I can't disagree with you Carl, at the end of the day you are a far better OT shooter than I am mate!

 G and V  have an almost evangelical following in the states and even perhaps world wide nothing wrong in that and perhaps proves they are good at what they do but it is nearly all down to online hard sell in my opinion others can disagree as is their prerogative. 

OK, now I'm lost.  Who/what is G and V?

many thanks



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