OT question

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Let's get one thing straight there is a big difference between what another shooter does when it's his go and what he does while your shooting. Common decency dictates shoot your go empty your gun and then keep the love still, if chap after you is a fast mounter you could be a real star and not ditch your empties until he or she has shot but to be honest it's not your problem if there so eager. All the above particularly relevant if you have one of those weird left handed folk after you. Left handers ? What's that all about, just trying to be different, bloody attention seeking I reckon.


No left handed weirdos were hurt during the making of this post.

Another good one relates to a top trapshooter (name removed to protect the innocent) who insists on ejecting his cartridges, blowing the smoke out, then closing and re-opening his gun after each shot.

One guy I heard about last year was getting wound up by the shooter on his right adjusting his glasses (merely pushing them back up the bridge of his his nose) while he (the shooter) was still shooting. Caused an exchange of views after the round. Isn't that what blinds are fore?

Lots of quirks out there.

Lots of shooters with a Browning, Miroku, Winchester or Nikko eject, close and open again as it sets the ejectors flush with the chamber face.

The second sounds like a boy from the valleys meeting a specky left hander

Lots of shooters with a Browning, Miroku, Winchester or Nikko eject, close and open again as it sets the ejectors flush with the chamber face.

The second sounds like a boy from the valleys meeting a specky left hander
Argh I wondered why he did it. Only one I have seen that does though. Must be a Nikko thing.

I never said it was bad or wrong, merely pointing out an unusual characteristic. 

As for the second point not quite. Although one of the individuals involved may have been at Rugby on Sunday :)


Tinker bell said:

The things you can learn from the old handers.....

Now you know not to think that it is a 'bad' thing....but a prefectly 'ordinary thing' ....for those 'in the know'.... :wink:

I think someone should write a shooting book......Myths, Legends and old wives tales.....meets truth and reason.

Well, just for starters you'd play hell living long enough to write the whole thing and who'd want to read a book the size of the LosAngeles telephone directory that was about nothing but crap what with truth and reason being in way short supply in shooting   :crazy:

just sayin' ............

I suppose it's not the lefties' faults that they're wired up backwards, but finding the love is tricky innit?

Tinker bell said:
Nothing wrong with a good blow down your gun....

You need to see that there is no blockage in the pipe....

Especially in winter months

Is this something best to have someone else do for you?

Argh I wondered why he did it. Only one I have seen that does though. Must be a Nikko thing.

I never said it was bad or wrong, merely pointing out an unusual characteristic.

As for the second point not quite. Although one of the individuals involved may have been at Rugby on Sunday :)

Ah all clear now..

I used Nikko when I was a junior. Fantastic handling and a joy to shoot except that the ejectors were getting worn and spread a little. sometimes a fresh cartridge would slip by the extractor when extended from the previous shot.

Once it was the wrong side you had to disassemble the gun to get it out again and it was a pig of a job to get it back from the wrong side.

Closing and reopening reset the ejector and prevented it from happening.

I got fed up of doing it and got a new gun.

One guy I heard about last year was getting wound up by the shooter on his right adjusting his glasses (merely pushing them back up the bridge of his his nose) while he (the shooter) was still shooting. Caused an exchange of views after the round. Isn't that what blinds are fore?

Lots of quirks out there. 

Classic symptom of someone having a bad day and can't focus on the job in hand and can't get in the zone so anything becomes an annoyance and your game will deteriorate even more with such behaviour or attitude!

Very astute observation Robert. And your probably correct.

Try some ******* throwing there empty's in the bin and setting your targets off when your about to call twenty plus times in one round @ the British ABT all the ******* said to me after was you should pay me for calling your targets !!!.............the ref said we need some different bins !!!!

Try some ******* throwing there empty's in the bin and setting your targets off when your about to call twenty plus times in one round @ the British ABT all the ******* said to me after was you should pay me for calling your targets !!!.............the ref said we need some different bins !!!!
Something with nets would be better. Like Beverley

The point is wait till the right moment before throwing into the bin....think of others

Think it should be compulsary for every squad to have a UGB25 on the line....

That would bugger the whingers up, if its not empty shells flying about, its the bolt falling out if you tilt the gun to drop the shell out on peg 5....

Ignore all the others, just get your head down and shoot, forget counting the seconds, if you get it wrong the ref (should) will remind you, a good solid routine will block out anything....

Most are pretentious dicks though who belong to the ooohhh look at me, I think I'm better than I really am brigade.
With ref to "pretentious dicks" do you mean the people that try to upset the rhythm of the line by changing their setup time or the ones who take a long time to shoot?

I have a shooter down here who is constantly trying to "improve my shooting" by adopting his fast setup technique. He is a not bad shot... does not work for me I need between 7 and 8 seconds to make my shot, its like I have an internal timer and I cannot change the setting. I was shooting in front of him yesterday ... he was all over the place.. more concerned about what I was doing than what he was doing himself. Its funny at times shooting in France... its all about style and elan anybody taking a conventional stance and approach to shooting can look out of place.

That's cos the french always like to be different and do there own thing. That's why I like France :)

That's cos the french always like to be different and do there own thing. That's why I like France :)
Ha Ha Ha that is funny because it is so true! Like make up a set of rules by which countries will agree top do things ... then only do the things that you like and suit your needs F the rest!

With regard to shooting though I don't mind them doing their thing ... just don't expect them to have me to follow suit just because they think their way of doing it looks stylish.

You don't have to love the French or their government to like France by the way... although I find the majority of French people very amiable... most of them don't like their government either three weeks after they have elected them :)


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