other hobbies etc past or present

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in all fairness complicated bows have been around much earlier than the seventies. 

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Cars and boats and planes. Plane is at Hawarden, Boat in Greece, Car is a daily driver and the sailplane is a past one. 

Also some windsurfing, dinghy sailing, snowboarding/skiing.

If its outdoors I'll do it!





that's a hell of a big boys toy collection ?

All my life was about hunting. And this is one of the many peaks in doing so. It took me three separate 10 day attempts and 2 years to get this bull in truly wild (heavily poached) and remote Doma hills (Zambezi escarpment, Zim), the old way by tracking and using double rifle with open sights.


fencing (foil) was another thing I did until my back, neck and shoulder could not take it anymore. Fencing is by far the coolest sport bar none, nothing comes close to it. How I miss it. I came into late so was past my fittest by then but I did ok and trained a few times with a Hungarian fencing master ex European champion, which was fun. I qualified as a club level coach in 2000.

I have no clips of me in action but this gives an idea.

In the mid 70's BC (before clays) I used to be mad keen on coarse fishing, every weekend was spent with my friend Adam Langer on the Thames river off shoots, then did a bit of beach and pier fishing with him too during half terms in Deal but although I still have most of my gear I just don't get the time any more. 

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used to do Judo I wasn't too bad at it......... came 3rd in the Sussex championships stopped that about 10 years ago mostly due to injury. 

generally anything radio controlled. use to race mini stocks (carpet racer) at a local club that unfortunately is no longer there. but still go out now and again with the combat wing (a virtually indestructible foam wing with a prop)  with my mates and try knock each other out of the sky its great fun, also slope sawing with the glider.

don't get a lot of time to do that much of anything with juggling work and a 15 month old daughter

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Hey ips, I know exactly what you mean about fencing. I used to enjoy it too. My Instructor was Irish though, mind you he did have high standards (usually around 6 feet). I too had to stop after my shoulder operation, but I have to say I have not missed it all that much  !


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Started off with judo and made the local paper, then went on to Motocross getting a sponsorship from Bill Head Honda at Preston. I blew my knee out racing motocross so switched to road racing and road bikes. I had a bad crash at Cadwell Park putting me in hospital for a few months and the need for a fair bit of metalwork in my leg. I started racing again much to the dismay of my consultant who insisted on removing my metalwork so I could carry on. I also did boxing, I stepped into the ring for the last time at 41 and had the opposite of a midlife crisis deciding  being hit in the face and crashing bikes at speed are  a young mans game.

After that day all bikes sold and gloves hung up, my only other hobby now seems to be clearing up after my 18 year old son and picking him up from his social life.







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