Perception Is Reality. Or Is It?

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just had a look at some of the animations and was wondering why bum, belly, beak, bang isnt used on the dove?I am realy enjoying this thread and trying to keep a open mind,but is all this info just going to cause more problems when trying to shoot with a empty mind set.
Here, we apply the Four Stages Of Learning

1. Unconscious Incompetence

"I don't know that I don't know how to do this." This is the stage of blissful ignorance before learning begins.

2. Conscious Incompetence

"I know that I don't know how to do this, yet." This is the most difficult stage, where learning begins, and where the most judgments against self are formed. This is also the stage that most people give up.

3. Conscious Competence

"I know that I know how to do this." This stage of learning is much easier than the second stage, but it is still a bit uncomfortable and self-conscious.

4. Unconscious Competence

"What, you say I did something well?" The final stage of learning a skill is when it has become a natural part of us; we don't have to think about it.

As Nicola says...just use the Force...!

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bum belly beak bang makes the bird speed up in the eyes of the shooter.....coming up well in front of the target with both eyes seeing the bird BEHIND THE MUZZLE will allow for you to shift to flaring lines  and create a stable picture and be much more consistent when shooting birds that don't fly in straight lines...when this approach is used on clays the target is much slower  to the shooter and as the gun and target merge at the same speed the target floats just like the doves....ducks ....pigeons.....etc....will be doing and posting more doves, ducks, and pigeons in Aug after we return from Argentina....

Nicola ck out the animations....

When Ed came over and saw how much slower the birds appeared and how much time he really had to shoot them he was gob smacked.....right ed......

nic.....what you are taking about is NEURAL SUPPRESSION and that is really what dominance is and it can fluctuate fact our research shows and has been substantiated by science that dominance can shift and most people are more center dominate with a right or left preference than strongly right or left......the dominance tests that have be used for ages are flawed in that they make you choose right or left and total eliminate the possibility of center with right or left preference.....

Byw we will be coming over there to show all these illustrations in Sept and man will that be a party...........

~!@#$%^& cheers

First and most important......I am looking forward to the party....!

Second and less important....... I was not meaning eye dominance or changing....i was meaning the ability to ignore the unimportant that is happening around the 'important'.

Like when an ice hockey player is shooting for goal, he is fixed on the goal when he makes the shot and in that split second he is oblivious to any other moving surroundings.

I probably explained it very badly :smile:

I am off now to look at your link.....

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bum belly beak bang makes the bird speed up in the eyes of the shooter.....coming up well in front of the target with both eyes seeing the bird BEHIND THE MUZZLE will allow for you to shift to flaring lines  and create a stable picture and be much more consistent when shooting birds that don't fly in straight lines...when this approach is used on clays the target is much slower  to the shooter and as the gun and target merge at the same speed the target floats just like the doves....ducks ....pigeons.....etc....will be doing and posting more doves, ducks, and pigeons in Aug after we return from Argentina....

Nicola ck out the animations....

When Ed came over and saw how much slower the birds appeared and how much time he really had to shoot them he was gob smacked.....right ed......
Great animations.

I am going to try that......!

Very interesting.

Thank you.

I see lead at the target not the bead, yet consistently see less of it than most. The reason is my pick up point, speed of swing and often the fact I mount quite late compared to some others, that needn't mean I shoot later as for instance on over head going aways I tend to shoot very much faster than most but only fully mount at the moment of firing. Here I occasionally get a very odd phenomenon where having touched off fractionally too late, I end up getting a powder puff instead of the expected miss.

I've known about parallax for years but thought it only affected scopes use, never heard of it in relation to shotgunning before.

WOW, some really great stuff on here, Like the OSP Knowledge Vault its gonna take me a lot of time to get through and digest this, Great resource BTW Gil :)  

you guys dont even know what is coming........but glad you are on board.....lots of information there.....lemeno how you get along with both eyes seeing the bird BEHIND THE BARRELS AND ADJUSTING THE GUN SPEED TO TGTS SPEED......MAN IT MAKES EVERYTHING SLOW DOWN.....~!@#$%^&.....LOOKING FORWARD TO LL THE FEED BACK........GA

Would it be fair to say that very few good shots see lead at the barrel (in inches)? All decent shots that I discuss things with see distance at the clay (focal length) and talk feet.

I am only talking sporting of course..

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Quite honestly I don't think I've ever held a serious conversation with any shot good or bad who saw lead in inches at the barrel. I do see mere inches on certain targets myself like going aways or quartering birds but that must be normal, can't imagine anyone seeing a serious amount on these types of birds.

Sure, a quartering bird might need '5 inches' leed, but in that context it could be a millimetre at the barrel. As you say Hammy, just don't know anybody who judges it at the barrel (focal distance).

And, if I understand Gil correctly (which I find tricky tbh), if he is saying that holding the gap between the target and the muzzle for a period is beneficial, I massively agree. It puts you at the correct kill point (assuming you know it) for much longer than swinging through.

I did spend a bit of time with a mate from this site, getting him to swing on to a target then slow and hold the sight picture down, to enable to judge the picture. He tells me this has put 7 or 8 on to his score.

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Sure, a quartering bird might need '5 inches' leed, but in that context it could be a millimetre at the barrel. As you say Hammy, just don't know anybody who judges it at the barrel (focal distance).

And, if I understand Gil correctly (which I find tricky tbh), if he is saying that holding the gap between the target and the muzzle for a period is beneficial, I massively agree. It puts you at the correct kill point (assuming you know it) for much longer than swinging through.

I did spend a bit of time with a mate from this site, getting him to swing on to a target then slow and hold the sight picture down, to enable to judge the picture. He tells me this has put 7 or 8 on to his score.

Swing-Tained Lead method . . . :)

you guys need to quit putzing with the lead and insert in front and stabilize the picture by adjusting the gun speed and the lead will take care of itself......try it.....

surly anyone seeing "inches" of leeeeed at the barrel will be looking at the gun and not really focusing on target speed and flight pattern....

It does work guys, this guy and his wife from Texas showed me and a friend! Really worked out good for us both!


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Of course you can all shoot maintained lead, or you can learn to shoot properly.

Saw a guy in a wheelchair today who was trying to shoot as Gil advocates, and it as completely screwed him up.

No doubt he will drop a class soon and then sandbag his way into the prize money at Garlands.

Just goes to show what a lottery this sporting clays is.

Trappists don't cheat!

Cheat! Cheat ! Who on Earth said that? Oh! It's only the grumpy gnome from Shropshire, ignore him.

Guys......I know we have the 'hinglishy' humour on here.....but some of us are actually very interested in this thread.


yep i gave gills method a go and its not for me,so ill have to stick with what i bit know unless that magic shooting pearl of wisdom we are all looking for turns up. 

Sorry to go slightly of topic (this is about eyes and not method),but whilst trying things i did notice that my eyes do work like the animations,well if they didnt i would be looking at the barrell and not hitting clays.

Yes I know Nicola, I had heard that Bull **it baffles brains.

You have to realise that in America that maintained lead is the only method. Period . End of. 

With that said, back to the thread. Perception is Reality. Or is it?

Answer is NO. It may be different for many people due to many differing influences.
