Nick Selby
Well-known member
hi Jake, this could be due to bony bruising if the needle hit the bone or just soft tissue bruising.I know you won't like this, but I've also had Cortisone in it twice, this just seams to move it slightly and the actual bone is a bit sore to touch at moment, any experience of this?
Latest research suggests unfavourable results from cortisone injections in the longer term for TE/GE. The research suggest that the injections are only a short term fix but do not address the problem, therefore if possible should be avoided. It did suggest that if a patient developed the pain but urgently had say write their doctoral thesis or other very important piece of work then an injection could temporarily relieve the pain but the study showed that patients treated with an injection were more likely to have a recurrence of the problem than those treated with physiotherapy.
I am planning on writing an article for this site re common conditions which affect shooters and TE/GE will be the first one I discuss...