Fascinating thread this... laughs manically then a couple of wee giggles and a snigger!
Here is my input which is a good as one or two of the posts so far.
My guess is there is probably not much profit to be made on making cartridges that will be why the price is going up. One useful tip is if you can't afford them any more but want to shoot the same number of cartridges as before buy cheaper ones. Another top tip is only put cartridges in your gun every second time and simply shout bang as loud as you can followed by damn missed again! Now do be aware that your averages will reduce by about 50% no make that ,laughs hysterically, exactly 50% but the up side is you only spend half what you were spending before on cartridges but you don't need to stop there , brays like donkey, you could stop using cartridges all together, doing this will draw attention to yourself but think or the savings ! Trumpets like elephant runs into garden and jumps into the hedge! Now where did I put those shiny happy people laughing pills I need to get there right away!