Proxy Vote Attendee Needed for Ex AGM

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Have you checked the numbers?

I find it very hard to believe that Humberside, Merseyside, Isle of White and many others voted 100% in favour .

But apparently numbers do not lie .
Well it is like this see....if 1 person vote yes in a county and no one else that county... Then it is a100%
It is all spin...and most of the sheep are thick enough to believe it all as being a good thing.

But who the feeck cares....we all just want to go shooting..!

Which is exactly what I did today with 203 partridge and 1 phessie. :wink:

All the good ones have now walked away.

No longer driving 1.25hrs to sit in a regional meeting anymore...or fart around organising things for 1-5 people to turn up.

Mugs game...we are all off. :laugh: Feckemall :laugh:


 It's over, done, dusted.

If it took Nicola nearly six months to get an answer off the CEO and still she had to doorstep him, what chance do you think your anxiety will be met with?

Just pay your membership fee each year, shoot your competitions and don't complain about anything, just enjoy your shooting. 

Now i may be a time traveller & magician,   but i wont hold my hands up to being a  mathmatician or statiticion,

But looking at the figures, which they admit are a synopsis (.)   they have gone to 2 decimal places, and there rounding  is not consistant 

Interestingly though, 14.5% of the proxy votes voted against  the articles .   and a marginly under a third of the  East Midlands region  were against it .


No, Nicola,

I don't think they are 'suckers' at all, I think that they are all very astute, well meaning individuals, who can remember how Terry Bobbett was so approachable when he was seeking election, and how he got rid of Terry BlameMe and Phil Boakes all for the good of the association and then he was instrumental in getting such a fine and honest CEO into post with a wealth of experience in finding funding.

So let us embrace this wonderful change for the better, just think if all the staff at HQ didn't reply to letters or emails using the example set by the CEO we will save a fortune in postage and I.T. costs and we will be able to use those savings on litigation costs and trips abroad.

Of course we have no need to justify what we do now to the membership because they have voted us into autonomy.


As I said...Suckers .... :laugh:

P.s. The last laugh has not come yet.....but it will...and boy will some people laugh....just saying..!

Now i may be a time traveller & magician,   but i wont hold my hands up to being a  mathmatician or statiticion,

But looking at the figures, which they admit are a synopsis (.)   they have gone to 2 decimal places, and there rounding  is not consistant 

Interestingly though, 14.5% of the proxy votes voted against  the articles .   and a marginly under a third of the  East Midlands region  were against it .

Presumably the chair got the majority of the proxy votes which they used for themselves using their discretion!

No, Robert, under the new articles the directors themselves elect a chair. The proxy votes are irrelevant.

23,800 just want to go shooting and have no interest in anything else. Simples.

Why waste time, and money sitting on any committee now our association is autocratic.


No, Robert, under the new articles the directors themselves elect a chair. The proxy votes are irrelevant.
No Sarah that was not what I meant.  I realise that the directors vote for the chairman now.

I was suggesting that if only 14.5% of proxy votes were against then the rest must probably have been in favour of the chairman to use as he wished under his new proxy form


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