Proxy Vote Attendee Needed for Ex AGM

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Prehaps im being a bit naive,

But...  does it matter if the vote goes the wrong way?  

If you donlt like the outcome can you not vote with your feet?    what  hold do they have over the sport? 

Look at all the other sports that set up there own.

Darts -

Rugby -

Boxing has 4 sanctioning bodies

Wrestling has multiple organisations

Also isnt there the option to call an EEGM if enough members want, could a vote of no confidence be motioned?


We will get what the members want and will have to live with that because that is democracy.

Yes we can always vote with our feet and leave if that's how anyone feels after the event.

The CPSA is certainly not vital to my life or my shooting!

:fie:  It is if you want to shoot registered competitions! but most "noddy's" only join for insurance puposes! :fie:

Found out the other day that a whole club exists without the involvement of the CPSA whatsoever and the members don't belong either.  What they do obviously suits them.

As has been said on here most grounds will take any shooter who wants to enter their competitions even if its birds only.  Let's face it the CPSA only becomes vital if you want to shoot for your county or country or GBR.

But most of us don't want to do that and would like it run properly so that we can be proud of our Association, its directors, staff and members.

Found out the other day that a whole club exists without the involvement of the CPSA whatsoever and the members don't belong either.  What they do obviously suits them.

As has been said on here most grounds will take any shooter who wants to enter their competitions even if its birds only.  Let's face it the CPSA only becomes vital if you want to shoot for your county or country or GBR.

But most of us don't want to do that and would like it run properly so that we can be proud of our Association, its directors, staff and members.
Rob when I first came into clays back in the 80's all the clubs I shot at were not connected to the cpsa so never held registered shoots. They did hold ccomps though,some were open and some were members only. At that time most of us who were in he cpsa joined for the insurance. It seems as though there are more people that don't shoot registered than do and I think it has always been that way. I just like to shoot and I don't care if its registered or not, registered comps are not the be all and end all for most clay shooters as we know, that is unlikely to change!


 I share your view , no we must not let the CPSA wither and die.

But we really must revive it.

How do you revive anything?

You breathe new life into it and introduce new blood, but first we need to cut out the cancer that pervades through the very body of OUR Association.

The only way we can do that is to be democratic, realistic, enthusiastic, and to all pull together.

For what reasons the Board and the CEO have conducted themselves in the way they have for the past two years, or longer, defeats me, it does not make sense to alienate yourself from the membership.  

I think shooting guru's point was, The Board are so out of touch with the membership, if we all resigned the Board really would get a message. Because no matter how you spell it out to them, they do not seem to listen or act sensibly.

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Well you have lost the chance now put up and shut up.....!

All the vocal ones never turn up .....the general membership never turn any of the AGM's everything in the garden is Rosy ........BLAH.....!

It makes me howl with laughter that the new messiah to save shooting and get it mainstream sport is good old Mel and Zoli.......well good luck to the girl.....maybe she will stand for a director then Chairman and lead us all to the TV heaven......and on the way to winning a Gold at Rio......we then get another 50,000 members in the Cpsa...... Blah...!

Meanwhile in reality land......Those that did bother ...those that did care......have left the building with Elvis......they just now want to go shooting like the rest if ya all. :wink:

Please, could someone who attends the EGM, post on here tomorrow night to tell us how things went?

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No one on here is going.......have you not got that yet Salop......we are all going shoooooootn

No one give a rats ass any more....true story..

p.s. Chin Chin

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Nah, I don't give a s**t cos I've got a job in the supermarket filling shelves with Elvis!  "Its now or never"

Membership 24,074 today.

Votes cast 1535

For 1306

Against 229

Thanks to the 40 people from this website who were bothered to cast their votes.

As for the rest of the 24,074 you got what you deserved.

No doubt this will be sold to you all as a percentage win and will not give to true pictures that shooters cannot be arsed as to what happens to them or their rights. :wink:

Oh.....and by the way....I asked old Nick about San Antonio when i saw him at the front entrance.....answer finally got (although i did have to ask him several times as he was trying to escape....but that was not going to happen) ....answer....that he was not at the opening ceremony, he did not think it was important as he had been to them before and they were not expecting him .......when i asked where was he then...he replied America......when i asked where...i got waffle.

He did have a meeting with one potential sponsor though......but when i asked if it was successful and what we got he said it was on going.....I said ...after 6 months, then answer is no.

We then had a further chat where i gave him my views in no uncertain terms....but that is another story :wink:

All in all a historic day for the Association....ooops did i say association....Mmmm that implies membership ownership.....sorry I should have said Historic day for the CPSA corporation....when it finally saw just how disengaged it is from the real membership.

Ah well..............we all just want to shoot....!

Well what I notice is that if we had convinced all of the ShootClay members to vote no we would have won.  We didn't so the Ayes have it.

I look forward to seeing what happens in the future now that the directors have what they want.

Well !

 There we have it, so people like me can now knuckle down and stop bickering and give the new corporation all of our time , enthusiasm and experience to help the CPSA to move forward.

It is nice to know that at last Nicola has received and answer to her question. I wonder why it took so long.

Thank you Nicola for being present and posting the result so promptly. 

On the plus side, independent directors may actually make a positive input and ensure due process is followed in decision making etc.

I spoke to David Jellicoe afterwards (who I must say is professional and balanced). He was telling me of the work being done on general operations and governance. It sounds like some really impressive work is being done on the computer systems (thanks to the brilliant Pete Tomlin) which will be good for the members and which they will be starting to test I'm coming months.

No choice but to look forward now and see what happens.

As an aside, Kevin Newton was not in attendance. He had work commitments. (He didn't attend the AGM earlier this year either.) Whilst I appreciate that there will be circumstances which may mean people are unable to attend meetings, in his case, non attendance seems the norm rather than the exception.


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