Purbeck registered cancelled AGAIN!

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2013
The Wild Blue Yonder
So yet again they have cancelled Purbeck registered shoot at the last minute...the reason lack of interest.

Not surprising there is a lack of interest really as they keep cancelling it!

Apparently according to the woman i just spoke to "people should know at least a week in advance what they are doing" what planet do these people come from?

I told her that was lovely for some people but most of the people i know that would shoot it midweek have to make time from work and therefore they would not know till the day or late the day before if they could make it.

Many people look out the window in the morning and decide they will shoot then.

I had done my best to clear a space in my day tomorrow,a complete waste of my time.

Obviously our fault that we have to work irregular hours,the last time i went they had just chosen some of the stands and sent somebody round with the squad (anybody could have shot them and some were when we walked up) they do not man the stands so not committing themselves to costs for nothing.

Three times i have been in this situation.

Apparently only 4 people had booked on at the very least you could have doubled that tomorrow so £280.00 for someone to walk round and press some buttons for 2 hours obviously less clay's,a fair profit margin you would think.

Every time i have been there's been 3 or 4 squads through minimum.

I guess i won't be renewing my membership and i know of a few others thinking the same.

So yet again they have cancelled Purbeck registered shoot at the last minute...the reason lack of interest.

Not surprising there is a lack of interest really as they keep cancelling it!

Apparently according to the woman i just spoke to "people should know at least a week in advance what they are doing" what planet do these people come from?

I told her that was lovely for some people but most of the people i know that would shoot it midweek have to make time from work and therefore they would not know till the day or late the day before if they could make it.

Many people look out the window in the morning and decide they will shoot then.

I had done my best to clear a space in my day tomorrow,a complete waste of my time.

Obviously our fault that we have to work irregular hours,the last time i went they had just chosen some of the stands and sent somebody round with the squad (anybody could have shot them and some were when we walked up) they do not man the stands so not committing themselves to costs for nothing.

Three times i have been in this situation.

Apparently only 4 people had booked on at the very least you could have doubled that tomorrow so £280.00 for someone to walk round and press some buttons for 2 hours obviously less clay's,a fair profit margin you would think.

Every time i have been there's been 3 or 4 squads through minimum.

I guess i won't be renewing my membership and i know of a few others thinking the same.
Makes you wonder if they really want the business!

At lunchtime yesterday I was asked if I would like to do their ESP. Yes I would, but how could I be sure they wouldn't cancel at the last minute? My chum was encouraging me to shoot at Ower today, and that was a guaranteed morning's shoot, albeit only 50 birds, not Registered, and it wasn't a competition.

I was told that they had a full squad for the morning and one shooter going out as a single competitor at 12.00, so it was going ahead. I reckoned it would be cancelled, and two hours or so later the fixture was removed from their web site and the corresponding entry on their Facebook page had simply vanished.

Good job I decided against. I went to Ower instead. Last time they cancelled due to "lack of interest" people were ringing on the day asking if they could shoot it.

I'm retired, so I don't have to be anywhere, but I don't know a week in advance if I'll be free.

I enjoyed Ower, quite a few there. Different targets, very few no-birds, nice people, and a lot of the "usual suspect" in evidence. A good morning.

People wonder why so few shooters do registered competitions. Perhaps this is part of the reason?

I think most grounds are seeing an upturn in registered shooters - at least those running their businesses properly.  

Its a shame to hear midweek registered shoots being cancelled, because that seems a good steady market if its done properly. 

I agree, any ground not making a success of their registered ESP shoot (weekend or weekday) should look at their product quality. It's the only reason the event won't work. The market is almost insatiable for decent shoots.

"The market is almost insatiable for decent shoots."

Apparently not so here in Dorset, Will. If you look on the CPSA site the registered Sporting at Purbeck has not attracted huge numbers. I have been told that people don't like squadded shoots, maybe that's why. 

Interesting that other local shoots - Pilford and the late lamented Somerley - can attract hundreds at the weekend and Ower can get a decent turnout on a Wednesday. Maybe people down here just don't want to do a registered shoot. The only real difference that I can see is that Purback's ESP is 100 birds whereas the others are 40 or 50. 

"The market is almost insatiable for decent shoots."

Apparently not so here in Dorset, Will. If you look on the CPSA site the registered Sporting at Purbeck has not attracted huge numbers. I have been told that people don't like squadded shoots, maybe that's why. 

Interesting that other local shoots - Pilford and the late lamented Somerley - can attract hundreds at the weekend and Ower can get a decent turnout on a Wednesday. Maybe people down here just don't want to do a registered shoot. The only real difference that I can see is that Purback's ESP is 100 birds whereas the others are 40 or 50. 
That's what I'm saying. There is a recipe for a decent shoot that must be followed to optimise success. Squadded is not popular with most as it involves committing and organising, which many folk aren't good at. Others simply don't know if they will be available until the day. Of course there is the list of other factors that all help; target quality, ground conditions, catering and facilities, attitude of staff, allowing plastic wads, price, reporting of scores properly. You have to put all that in place, THEN get shooters to come and allow them to build your reputation for you. AGL for instance had exactly this journey two years ago. Pathetic entry for a while, but they worked at it and now it's big. 

I went to Ower once and felt they had lots to improve upon. I was told that the owners response to any suggestions didn't go down well either so I haven't been back since, although that's also due to distance, I hope they are doing well now.

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"people should know at least a week in advance what they are doing"  i barely kept my tongue under control when i was told this and just goes to show how little understanding of shooting some of the counter staff have of the real world and shooters.

Ower seems  to have got itself to the bottom of a downward spiral No registereds anymore,targets were soft then a couple of ridiculously hard stands at the end,very little variation,useless scorers,trap breakdowns and masses of no birds.

They actually asked somebody who was running a successful shoot for advice and then took none of it.

I went there a couple of times then decided that there was always issues and wouldn't bother with it,on 2 occasions after that i went back and wished i hadn't.

Such a shame as it had great possibilities.

"You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink"

A1 shooting ground. They had no idea what they could be doing with a Sporting shoot. Just didn't get it, hence entry poor, so they canned it blaming ESP for not being popular. Unbelievable really. 

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Perusing Purbeck's web site just now I notice that they have no ESP in their fixtures for the next three months. Looks like that's it for Registered ESP in Dorset, then, at least for the foreseeable future.

Of course they have the European FITASC championships in June which must be taking a lot of time and effort.

Prices are up, too. I reckon there's an extra 3p on a clay now. 

Perusing Purbeck's web site just now I notice that they have no ESP in their fixtures for the next three months. Looks like that's it for Registered ESP in Dorset, then, at least for the foreseeable future.

Of course they have the European FITASC championships in June which must be taking a lot of time and effort.

Prices are up, too. I reckon there's an extra 3p on a clay now. 

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Perusing Purbeck's web site just now I notice that they have no ESP in their fixtures for the next three months. Looks like that's it for Registered ESP in Dorset, then, at least for the foreseeable future.

Of course they have the European FITASC championships in June which must be taking a lot of time and effort.

Prices are up, too. I reckon there's an extra 3p on a clay now. 
Went up there Saturday and round the new bit for a quicker than expected practice....same old story empty/not working traps all over the place.

Did speak to Graham on the walk down so can't even blame it on him not being there.

Oh well, there's always those little unregistered shoots. I was at Three Lions yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. They have changed the layout there, and brought those stands that were at the water's edge down in the dip back up to the level ground, which I think is shed loads better, and the footing and access on the left hand side is greatly improved. I'm pretty sure some of the "usual suspects" were there first thing them schlepped off to Podimore. I'm not convinced I have the energy for that sort of effort, but I might just have a look at the mileages and think about next month. Meanwhile there's Pilford on Saturday, a small shoot of which I'm inordinately fond.

I will be at Purbeck tomorrow for the usual "Tuesday Old Gits Gathering", hopefully things are a bit better up there. Poor Graham and his crew do deserve our support, they've had a lot of grief, and his steadfast refusal to simply give up is to be applauded. 

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Oh well, there's always those little unregistered shoots. I was at Three Lions yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. They have changed the layout there, and brought those stands that were at the water's edge down in the dip back up to the level ground, which I think is shed loads better, and the footing and access on the left hand side is greatly improved. I'm pretty sure some of the "usual suspects" were there first thing them schlepped off to Podimore. I'm not convinced I have the energy for that sort of effort, but I might just have a look at the mileages and think about next month. Meanwhile there's Pilford on Saturday, a small shoot of which I'm inordinately fond.

I will be at Purbeck tomorrow for the usual "Tuesday Old Gits Gathering", hopefully things are a bit better up there. Poor Graham and his crew do deserve our support, they've had a lot of grief, and his steadfast refusal to simply give up is to be applauded. 
I so want to support them and as a member i am,just seems every time i go up there to practice there is issues.

And then we have the woman on the phones attitude the other day!!!

Makes it very hard to want to go there...i was going to Acorn and now wish i had.

You really should give Podimore a go Charlie,40 miles about an hour to get there were there nearly every month so welcome to join us....also excellent cake by Val ;)

Well I went there this morning, and had very few no-birds. The new stands - up the track in the woods, are great fun; the first one (29, I think), has some cracking low and fast birds that are immense fun.

I'm told that there will be a digger at work in the near future to improve the path up there.

Should be a good FITASC there tomorrow.
