Rangers Vs Beretta competition Evo glasses

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Jan 28, 2024
Looking for a bit of advice really, currently have some classic rangers which I like other than they are too small for me (arms are too short and the wire loops are uncomfortable to wear for long).

I've got 2 choices. Sell the rangers or give them to my wife, and buy another frame and the lenses I actually want as I'd want 2-3 different lenses anyway from what I have.

Or I buy the Beretta competition evos in ruthenium which I prefer the look of and they do some lenses I very much like.

Has anyone got the Beretta glasses and how do you find them?
Is there no way to snip the arms in half and jerryrig an extension, if you like them? Looks being secondary to performance and such...

I went the Pilla route after a stint with a way cheaper alternative, but was lucky to have been offered some S/H lenses at Decathlon prices. Evens out the overall cost, which is still high for some nicely coated bits of plastic. That said, I generally excuse my own indulgences with the buy-once-cry-once theorem :cool:

A friend has the Beretta interchangeables - decent enough, but wouldn't trade with him. Can't comment on the rangers but have seen positive reviews here.
Both me and Mrs Jasper have ranger falcon pro. Hers are small 64mm. Mine large 72mm. Both have the bayonet arms. Not loops. We both love them. Mrs recently lost hers . And bought another set of frames ASAP. Service direct from randolph engineering to UK superb. Nice variety of lens colours, easily explained. Not super confusing as per pilla.
I bought the Laksen interchangeable glasses in a sale for £260 ish. Lenses are nice and clear and they're light as a feather. I like the style and the fact I get 5 lenses as standard though I'm not so sure on the longevity of them, time will tell.
Love Rangers! Tried Pilla’s but soon ditched them and went back to Rangers, the arms aren’t looped though. Haven’t tried any of the others though.
Just to add some closure on to this. My wife now has the rangers, I was very very tempted to get a second (correct sized) pair so we could share lenses etc. But cost, and to be honest and excessive choice put me off (how people manage with pillas god knows, must be hundreds of combinations of those).

I bought the Beretta glasses, I'd tried some on and was umming and ahhing and made the fatal mistake of having a second look online and a french company was selling some for a price I couldn't refuse. So while I would rather have bought from my local shop, the saving was so substantial sadly I just couldn't turn it down. I don't feel too guilty though, I bought my dt11 from them and when Sarah finally works out what she wants will likely be buying her a gun from there too.

Absolutely love the competition evos, very comfortable, very light, prefer the standard type arms, the nose piece adjustment is very easy to adjust. The lenses most importantly are optically very good. I am a big believer in decent glass (plastic) in any lens and these aren't bad at all. I'm sure pillas are better, but these are at that point where any further gains are going to be low reward/cost.

So not for everyone as they aren't wrap around one piece lenses, but if you want glasses style shooting glasses, a good choice. The lenses come in cases and the frame comes in a case. So you get everything you need without needing to buy extras.