RBSS Handicap Classic 2013

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Good luck me old mate. :)
Cheers 28bore think I may need it as my scores of late have been a MUST do better just a bit frustrating at mo as I know and have performed alot better with my scores and yoyod between C and B classes its a funny ol game mate but will enjoy all the same as have shot this each time its come up as its a good set upwith quality targets with a brilliant flush. See you saturday for some fun and have a chat then as didnt get much chance last time hope your giving the grey hordes some stick :hunter:

Nice to shoot around with Shortlegs (he's 6'5'' really), Matt R and Nicky T.

Unfortunately I think I have passed the point of brain fail with this now. The repeat shooting is stuffing me, with memory of last time, changes in targets due to wind direction and/ or my imagination, means that results are inconsistent. The only consistent element is a poor showing.. My head couldn't be any more f***ed if an Anne Summers accessory was stuck full depth into my ear.

Nicky T did what I did on my first attempts, hit same score twice, but in wildly different way. Maddening..

Shortlegs did a good job and shot very well when not thinking too much, so a nice job in the grouse sequence.

Matt had a strange thing happen on his first round. A red kite mistook his score card for carrion, flew down and took it away. Second attempt was better luckily..

I think I may call it a day this year. The harder I'm scrambling up the pole, the greasier it's getting.

Nightmare morning, couldn't get anything right - but the afternoon much better - might get down for another go if it warms up before the end.

Will load up some pictures later.

Lovely to shoot with Nicky, Shortlegs and Clever on a beautiful (but chilly) spring day.

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Nice to shoot around with Shortlegs (he's 6'5'' really), Matt R and Nicky T.

Unfortunately I think I have passed the point of brain fail with this now. The repeat shooting is stuffing me, with memory of last time, changes in targets due to wind direction and/ or my imagination, means that results are inconsistent. The only consistent element is a poor showing.. My head couldn't be any more f***ed if an Anne Summers accessory was stuck full depth into my ear.

Nicky T did what I did on my first attempts, hit same score twice, but in wildly different way. Maddening..

Shortlegs did a good job and shot very well when not thinking too much, so a nice job in the grouse sequence.

Matt had a strange thing happen on his first round. A red kite mistook his score card for carrion, flew down and took it away. Second attempt was better luckily..

I think I may call it a day this year. The harder I'm scrambling up the pole, the greasier it's getting.
Good to meet you today Will :good:   ( 6'5" in my dreams) Great company with you Matt and NickyT to shoot round with enjoyed the day good tricky targets and a clever course, you shot a lot of the stands well but the weather had you befuddled on some stands as the targtes had changed slightly form your last round ,thanks for the comment and observation which has got me to think about what you said and has made sense and showed on some stands that if I tended to try to ride the target out I was missing but when I just attacked as you put it I had good kills. Yeah that red kite followed Matt for a while before swooping, glad to hear he made amends second time out. Look forward to shooting with you all again at some point :yes:

Just about recovered after the day out at RBSS and the drive home. What a brilliant course and unfortunately one that I could not do justice to finishing with two 64's. highlight of each round was the grouse sequence finishing on a 15/20 on the second round. Very nice to meet Will and to shoot with him, Gareth and Matt again.

Well shot this again this afternoon bloody cold and a bit snowy, its a course that gets in ya head and plays games with ya as its good too shoot but beats the sh*t out of ya..:-[ anyway bad start missed every teal :( thats 5 away and not even warmed gun up that was about my day really as not finishing my shots off cost me today.....but shot the grouse flush the best I have with 17/20 :) overall a nice cold afternoon in the snow and finished on 73 or with handicap 86....happy but not jumping for the moon.

Well shot this again this afternoon bloody cold and a bit snowy, its a course that gets in ya head and plays games with ya as its good too shoot but beats the sh*t out of ya..:-[ anyway bad start missed every teal :( thats 5 away and not even warmed gun up that was about my day really as not finishing my shots off cost me today.....but shot the grouse flush the best I have with 17/20 :) overall a nice cold afternoon in the snow and finished on 73 or with handicap 86....happy but not jumping for the moon.
Bloody well shot Mark, especially the grouse! That's the mind game killer as you say; when I shot with you, you hit four teals square on, just stopping the gun on the one you missed. Infuriating..

Bloody well shot Mark, especially the grouse! That's the mind game killer as you say; when I shot with you, you hit four teals square on, just stopping the gun on the one you missed. Infuriating..
Thanks will, im happy but still know like you said there is 80 out there but doing it is another matter I do feel weather didnt help today either..but once more in April and then thats it.;)
Thanks will, im happy but still know like you said there is 80 out there but doing it is another matter I do feel weather didnt help today either..but once more in April and then thats it. ;)
I worked out that if I amalgamate my best result from each stand, I have hit an 88! No chance of doing it in one round though..

I worked out that if I amalgamate my best result from each stand, I have hit an 88! No chance of doing it in one round though..
Thats wierd as thats the same score I would be on with my best on each stand..if only....never..haha

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