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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2012
As there seem to be a few of us "Senior" shooters on here these days and some of the threads are drifting into bygone times! How about posting all the old stuff/memories here? Just a thought!

Well how about when a shotgun certificate was just a bit of paper about the size of a postcard? No picture on it, no record of your guns and you didn't need to show it when you purchased shells. In those days they didn't shut a road because it had half an inch of snow on it either! Those were the days!

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What about when there used to be a young lad in the trap house manually putting clays on the arm and every now and then a red flag would appear and said lad would come out with blood pouring from his finger .............. oh and we were on buttons of course none of this fancy mic release mallarkey then ............. oh and clays were black.............. oh and no such thing as covers for trap layouts not ooop north anyway............... oh and you could legally keep your gun in its cardboard box under your bed. :)

There was a time as a teenager when you could take your gun in its slip on public transport from oop north to West London Shooting School without a second thought.

Wow, you just cant imagine that can you. I think I remember you telling me a story about that.

PS - you have email.

There was a time as a teenager when you could take your gun in its slip on public transport from oop north to West London Shooting School without a second thought.
That's a long way to travel Fred! How far back are going back here anyway?

What about when there used to be a young lad in the trap house manually putting clays on the arm and every now and then a red flag would appear and said lad would come out with blood pouring from his finger .............. oh and we were on buttons of course none of this fancy mic release mallarkey then ............. oh and clays were black.............. oh and no such thing as covers for trap layouts not ooop north anyway............... oh and you could legally keep your gun in its cardboard box under your bed. :)
Oh yes those lads on the buttons...trappers. I have seen many a lad screamed at for giving a slow button, or for giving a second barrel DTL kill on the sheet when it was a first barrel. God those lads took some stick!

Winchester Thunder Gold, fantastic shells!!!! Now they were a real shell, back in the 80's I think they cost about £150 a thousand, which was a lot of money for shells in those days. I used them for a fair time until they stopped making them, then I went onto Winchester Trap 200, they were very good too, but a lot cheaper! I also used those Eley Black Gold for a while, they had paper cases, but in my neck of the woods there were supply problems, nice smooth shells though and hit the clay like a brick.

A mate of mine bought some Baikal shells very cheaply, we found out why they were cheap when he used them, I have never seen so much crap come out of a barrel in my life and his bores were full of soot, they were really noisy too. Ah... the good old days! :laugh:

When you could win A class at DTL with a 285 and 100-300's were the exeption rather than the rule. :)

When adjustable combs were not even thought about and all manner of stuff was stuck on top of some folks combs.

When having a gun "fitted" was something for the aristocracy, the rest of us picked 6 guns off the rack and eventually said "that ones near enough"

When there were trade stands at Bywell weekend like subaru, browning, beretta and a lovely old scottish bloke doing embroiery on your vest, he made a cloth badge FOC with "Kelly" on it for my daughters baseball cap when she was about 3yrs old and she still has it somewere ?

Can you remember when "the thing to have" was a Ganton shooting vest? You could get them made to measure in almost any size or colour you wanted, I had mine for years, well until it shrunk that is!!!! What ever happened to Ganton I wonder? Then there were those brass choke guage things that some of us had on our keyrings! God knows why anyone had one, but I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time. I don't know if they still give it away with their guns, but Perazzi used to put a tube of their grease in the gun case of a new Perazzi. It was like a sort of graphite grease, even a small spot of the stuff went a very long way, it got onto just about everything, gloves, vest, hat, shells, door handles, oh... some stayed on the gun too!  It didn't take me very long to dump that stuff I can tell you!


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