second time OT

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Heard all about the white clays, new one on me mate. How did you shoot are the scores online anywhere i about find em


there tidy enough Ut scores considering its a new discipline for you your not a mile away from 2s

 Thanks IPS I was reasonably happy with those scores because I know there a few targets that I will be hitting soon I have tried UT once before I find it quite difficult because of the clay flight I am used to everything flying out of the centre of the fosse but these are a bit different as you know, a few of them got the jump on me!

Yes definitely getting to grips with the new gun and some new disciplines. I was very slow onto some of my missed targets yesterday mostly the 45 targets moving rapidly to my bad side but I nailed a few more in the last round. The good thing is I am sorted for shooting every weekend now and I now know of a ground that is open all year so I can shoot in the winter too.

Good news re the new ground.

Yes correct focus and hold point are crucial at Ut as i have eluded to before. As is not moving until the target has passed your barrels. Have you read my previous explanation ?

All 5 targets will cross in front of peg 3 were exactly differs from layout and to a degree scheme. It is best if you can find this crossing point and relate it to a stone or flower or something that is visible from all pegs then use that as a reference point. You will find therefore that from 1 it will be a few metres in front of the trap and somewhere about 2m ish to the left of centre but these are approx to give you an idea. Then you must wait for the target, move too quick and you risk being in front or worse still going the wrong way due to seeing it in your peripheral vision.

Hope that helps.

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Yes read what you said about letting the clay out before moving. I was using hold points that are similar to what I use with ABT do you suggest having a more central and lower hold point as for say OT ? I certainly lost a few of the hard right targets because of poor gun movement and lifting my head to see the clay,. I made a real conscious effort to keep my head own and did better on the last round.

Well obviously i haven't seen your abt or ot hold so difficult to comment. All i can suggest is find the crossing point and try to refer to it from all pegs or to simplify hold is prob about .5 to 1m high depending on you and your style and peg 1 about 2m left peg 2 about 1m left of centre. This will equate to something like a point on the ground about 5m out at a guess. Easiest way is to stand behind peg 3 and watch a squad shoot and take a mental note of crossing point try to find something that you can focus on as stated earlier. Most important of all is do not move until you focus on the front edge of the target this will ensure correct visual target lock.


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