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Daz W

Well-known member
Oct 12, 2020
OK, I'll kick it off then. Happy New Year all.

Northampton Shooting ground for me on Sun 5th. Cold, raining, snowing and foggy. At least the wind kept down. Fortunately they'd tweaked the course to make some allowances for the weather. Possibly a bit too much. Although I thought it was a very good shoot, a couple of stands were a bit too soft IMO ( especially stand 1). Guaranteed I'll get my pants pulled down on the next one when they dial it up to compensate.

Anyway came out of the gate really well, straighted the first 3 stands. Lazy hold point of the first bird on 4 caused my first miss. Followed by one of the teals on 5. Went over the top of it. Teals are my kryptonite , so wasn't overly disappointed dropping the 1. Dropped the first big battue on 7, right forward lead, not enough drop. Straighted 8, 9 & 10. Lazy single miss on 11. Stand 12 straight through.

Went into the last stand 4 away. Pair dead, pair dead, pair dead. Then that little voice in my head "hit this last pair and you've got an cracking score". Went from trying to hit them, to trying not to miss. You can guess the rest. Missed the first by trying not to miss it, then too busy calling myself random expletives and dropped the 2nd.

Finished on a 94. Which although is a registered PB for me, the last pair on the last stand is going to be a sore point for a while.
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Coleys, 8th Jan, think the cold put a few off that said have been (as have many others) when the place has been colder. thankfully no breeze but a low almost dusk sort of light so sadly no glaring sun to blame for a bit of a struggle on my part. Overall it was a pleasant enough course, a simple looking pair of close orange going aways St1 caught a few out, St2 had a fairly rapid low r-l that was more of a handful. St5 had a simo pair of crows, similar to those which have caused grief for me in the past, not so today, my downfall was St6 a fairish r-l looper followed by a slightly closer l-r looper, I had not a clue, a very rare blank, ref Jim tried to perk me up by mentioning that he had a few 0s. Another wobble on St10 which was a fairly straightforward looking r-l crosser followed by a closer slower l-r, redeemed myself slightly at the closing two stands so that I carded my age, no not overly disappointed as I shot some very well, there were some that really could have done better with and yes a few that I really did struggle with.
Squadded with a young Jacob O who carded an exceptional 95, swear if the chap had followed anyone else but me he could have won the shoot.
First Reg comp of the year for me yesterday and a 280 mile round trip to Oxfordshire Shooting School. Cold, but dry and no wind made for pretty good shooting conditions - apart from the low sun on one stand, but even that wasn't as bad as I've seen in at OSS in the past. Usual sim pair of teal on stand 1 that I usually hate - amazingly straighted it. Stand 2 was a nasty sim pair of lr loopers that I misread and didn't given enough on and a measly 2 burst any bubble of an idea that I was in for a really good score. Straight on 3, dropped a couple of the first target on 4 (a rl quartering midi) and then my brain decided to wake up and start interfering. Stands 5 and 6 were crossers, a battue and a looper, stuff I usually like much better than going away targets. hitting them early, then my brain says you better make sure you don't miss these resulting in dropped targets and a missed last pair on both stands! Gave myself a talking to, dropped 3 on Stand 7, one of which was because I stupidly looked straight at the sun rather than taking the target a little earlier. Then ran the next four stands straight before a high midi right to left caught me out on the final stand, only found it once. Finished on 78, one below my average. Not a total disaster, but definitely an under-performance and should have been into the low 80s.
Sporting Targets for me & daughter today. My daughter called it 'mean' whereas I would say '******* hard'. I was three down after the first 4 stands but stand 5 was hard (3/8) and then the last four stands really testing. I finished on 73 (daughter 49) which means 44/72 after the first four - that's a lot when your average is meant to be 81 - and that includes two 7s so 30/56 on 7 of 13 stands. High gun was 91 (Dave Ferriman who is very good and a really nice bloke, but I think it's his local) and then the next, 85, so (again for Sporting Targets) the average was quite low.

Having said the above, lots to learn & take away and they have the space to play around for each shoot - yes, some traps such as the teal on Stand 6 - are used a lot but others change. Noticed today that a lot of the stands were testing because of the transitions from high kill point to low kill point and I don't think I thought enough about my second hold point to deal with that.
Sporting Targets for me & daughter today. My daughter called it 'mean' whereas I would say '******* hard'.
The last few shoots at ST would appear to have been on the really hard side and now attendance numbers are starting to show. Other nearby shoots with a 50% plus higher attendance. Looking at the scores for ST, nearly all shooters shot below the score band for their current classification.
I'm not claiming to be able to set a course, nor would I want to attempt to, as it's probably the most criticised job on a ground, but surely it only takes a couple of tough stands to sort out the superstars from the rest of us mere mortals, not 12.
Northampton for me today. As I thought a fortnight ago, this one was cranked up, and my pants got pulled down on a few. Came out of the gate quite well, only dropping 1 in the first 3 stands. Then stand 4 bit me. Didn't give the overhead enough lead, and dropped all 4. Couldn't find the full use looper on 6. Apparently the closest it came in was 72 yards. Knew it wanted a bit, and I think I actually overled it.
Dropped a few on the sim pair on st9. Hurried the first few and paid the price.

Finished on 80, 3 below my average. Tough but enjoyable round.

Had a go at skeet afterward. Never tried it before. Hit 24 which surprised me a bit. Next time I'm at Northampton I might have a go at that again as pre ESP warm up, rather than the pool shoot.
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Barbury today Wednesday 22nd, dry bit overcast and at times felt chilly, didn't shoot with usual chums, in a late pm squad of just four which was odd as shoot was just about sold out, very much expect that these two had baled out. St1 was first up and oh dear a simo both from bogey left hand side, 5 pairs not the easiest by far but not a ball breaker, they ( the breakers that is ) where just around the corner, well all corners that is. St3 had a big air midi which I chipped the first three of then a clean break on the last, its report a far easier looking rapid low orange l-r went past me unscathed. St4 had a very low and edgy incoming orange followed by a low edgy going away green clay, stand destroyed our gang, St6 ( I think) had a "next county" teal followed by a 15yd ish l-r rabbit, scorer gleefully tells us "4s the average score on here", it remained so after our efforts. Was a bit miffed to have missed a driven on St10 then even more miffed to miss more orange l-r crossers off the high tower platform on St11, missed a long bouncy bouncy bouncy rabbit on St12. Hit more than I missed, for 160+ entries the shoot average was 69, that's C class and there wasn't that may of us there from that class so Id imagine lots had a chastening day, High Gun was 92, the only 90+ in a field of forty AAA & AA shooters (it appears three of which walked off and didn't finish the shoot) a certain William Hewland shot a very decent 89 for 1st in AA, well done Will.
Late to the party so to speak but it's been a hectic week so far with the builders in, but I shot Westfield this Sunday just gone.

Weather was cold and overcast but no wind, so pretty good for shooting. Steve does like to mix up the challenges with a spectrum of different targets and techniques to test us rather than the 70 yard midis etc, beloved of some other shoot setters. Consequently, most of the 12 stands needed concentration and focus rather than superstar skills and personally I manage that better in cold weather at the moment. I got caught out on a couple of stands but improved as the day went on. The happy stand was the last one I shot, the 5 pair crossers on 10 (I think), Fred was ref there, but after watching a AAA and a AA each drop a couple I was delighted my concentration held and was able to straight it.

Overall a better day than the disaster I had at Coley's the last time out.
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Attended the 3rd round of the FITASC sporting Winter Series @ Roundwood on Thursday. With the abundance of traps around the ground it is a hybrid competition of old and new system layouts. My rather wild swing through ‘technique’ had been seeing some success on the faster distant targets, but meant too many targets requiring more precision and accuracy being missed, leaving me floundering in the low 60’s.

A steady start on Peg 1 on Rifle Range, a simple teal/crow on report dropped. Peg 2 had a clay driven up from the far side of the cutting, which curled away over the trees behind. Not that tricky but poor muzzle control meant losses as both a single and in the double. Onto Peg 3 on top of the platform, shooting down on 4 targets as well as a crossing midi off the High Tower (which I clipped 2nd barrel). Managed to 2nd barrel the 2 crossing standards as singles but only 1 in the double. The midi driven into the bank below was untouched both single and double but managed the gravity Rabbit both times so finished with a 19.

Onto the Club House Layout and dropped a curling L-R battue off a tower single & double and 2 straightforward L-R crossers in the doubles. Likely in front of all. Peg 2 had two of my (many) bogey birds, a simple going away overhead and a fast going away bird that crosses in front. Only hit the overhead on report, consensus from the squad is that I was in front with my 3 misses. Then 3 more losses on the next peg including a longish rabbit as a single and a low chandelle in the double meant ending on 15.

Third Layout was the field and a rare straight on Peg 1, before missing a long low L-R midi as a single, a pretty straightforward long R-L crosser both single and double and a simple incomer in the double on Peg 2.
Peg 3 was in the bomb hole, another area where I usually struggle, the targets being thrown quite close with little spring, but pass behind tree trunks making the right kill points vital. Missed only the last target, a dropping R-L so finished on a 20.

It had been raining lightly most of the morning although not problematically, but when we emerged from the bomb hole to finish on the Towers Layout, the storm had really arrived.
Peg 1 we largely had our backs to the worst of it. Was very pleased to hit first barrel 4 out of 5 singles, including 2 L-R birds off the High Tower and a tricky low going away target. Did not manage the 5th single, again off the High Tower, a horrible floaty edge on single very unpredictable in the wind. Missed the going away and a tower bird in the doubles, but happy only to lose 3 there.
Onto Peg 2 and an absolute disaster. Facing into the teeth of the wins and rain, water run inside my lenses and as soon as I got my lens cloth out it became saturated and just smeared everything up. There was nothing that difficult, a L-R battue appearing out of the gloom of the trees before dropping back down, a quartering bird away off a scaffold tower, a very straightforward R-L crosser but managed to blank all 4 singles, hitting just one Raffael scaffold bird and one of the other double. It did not get much better on Peg 3 just adding another 4 to my tally so finished on 12, very disappointing after getting 6 on the difficult 1st Peg.

So a total of 66, when I felt a semi respectable score (for me) in the Mid 70s was well within my grasp but for the weather on the Towers.
Back to the Clubhouse to take off soaking clothing, and clean and oil the gun down. After a chat and bacon butty left around an hour or so later in brilliant sunshine!
Most the afternoon shooters had abandoned or re-arranged their slots to shoot the next day, but Henry Arnold and Harry Seal pushed on through the weather to finish on 90 & 87 respectfully.


EJChurchills for the compak this afternoon. It’s a discipline that’s growing on me even though I’ve only shot it a few times. I find I have to concentrate shooting this much more than sport trap or sporting and we didn’t do too bad considering we hadn’t shot since beginning of Dec apart from a break in Ireland where we shot twice (would thoroughly recommend going over).

Was going quite well, then all the electrics went down whilst shooting layout 3 and everything was lost. By the time we got up and running again the brain fog had settled in and I couldn’t quite remember where the targets were coming from or going to 🫣 .

Great set of targets set by Jamie Peckham and we kept dry as all layouts under cover which is a bonus.
Coleys 5th Feb, impressive 180+ sell out entry, car park overflowing & a helicopter bringing them in from the far Welsh regions. `Despite the early afternoon sun it was quite chilly, well it was for I. St1 a single duck with a report floppy crow was friendly enough the feel good factors for most of us all went at St2 where a simo pair of orange teal was destroying cards, well all the ones that I saw, our merry squad fared little better, I took the view that one being rather close was the gimme so take it the second teal thrown off a bank some 20yds away and going like a train was always going to beat me so take it 2nd and hope for best, my 5 being quite respectable. For I the rest of the course had too many orange, a few edgy that were a bit of an ask for these old eyes, that said I still didn't find enough of the steady targets thankfully a few of the more challenging ones.
Wishing for warmer days, less layers and maybe some correct reading of targets, latter may take some doing.
High Gun was 98, quite something given what I saw on St2
Coleys 5th Feb, impressive 180+ sell out entry, car park overflowing & a helicopter bringing them in from the far Welsh regions. `Despite the early afternoon sun it was quite chilly, well it was for I. St1 a single duck with a report floppy crow was friendly enough the feel good factors for most of us all went at St2 where a simo pair of orange teal was destroying cards, well all the ones that I saw, our merry squad fared little better, I took the view that one being rather close was the gimme so take it the second teal thrown off a bank some 20yds away and going like a train was always going to beat me so take it 2nd and hope for best, my 5 being quite respectable. For I the rest of the course had too many orange, a few edgy that were a bit of an ask for these old eyes, that said I still didn't find enough of the steady targets thankfully a few of the more challenging ones.
Wishing for warmer days, less layers and maybe some correct reading of targets, latter may take some doing.
High Gun was 98, quite something given what I saw on St2

Interesting report.

Quite a high scoring shoot? High gun C class in the mid 80's even. I've found Ian Coleys to always be the same in that regard, a vast spread of scores but the class high guns are very rarely within the boundaries of each class average and are often 10+ clays higher for B and C classes.

The course quite often contains a high percentage of easier stands with the challenge being consistency. Miss one or two targets on the 10 from 12 easy stands and you can easily find yourself out of contention for a class prize. Other shoots in the area have more of a spread from easiest to hardest making it easier to make up for earlier mistakes.

That being said, 98 high gun is quite an achievement in 180+ entries.
Interesting report.

Quite a high scoring shoot? High gun C class in the mid 80's even. I've found Ian Coleys to always be the same in that regard, a vast spread of scores but the class high guns are very rarely within the boundaries of each class average and are often 10+ clays higher for B and C classes.

The course quite often contains a high percentage of easier stands with the challenge being consistency. Miss one or two targets on the 10 from 12 easy stands and you can easily find yourself out of contention for a class prize. Other shoots in the area have more of a spread from easiest to hardest making it easier to make up for earlier mistakes.

That being said, 98 high gun is quite an achievement in 180+ entries.
The high C class was me and is well above my usual mark after the 65 I shot at Westfield on Sunday. My shooting buddies were both in the mid 70's & usually around the high 70's, low 80's so fared a little worse than expected. There were very few targets with any real distance (unlike Westfield!) but were more technical and it was my consistency on the day that saw me on top, although there were the odd missed bird and missed pair. I'm shooting the registered at Garlands on Sunday so most likely back down to earth again!
The high C class was me and is well above my usual mark after the 65 I shot at Westfield on Sunday. My shooting buddies were both in the mid 70's & usually around the high 70's, low 80's so fared a little worse than expected. There were very few targets with any real distance (unlike Westfield!) but were more technical and it was my consistency on the day that saw me on top, although there were the odd missed bird and missed pair. I'm shooting the registered at Garlands on Sunday so most likely back down to earth again!

Very well shot!

As said, Coleys is a different challenge to Westfield or Garlands. At Coleys you need to be getting those 8/8's or 7/8's on near enough every stand bar the one or two they put on to filter out the AA's and AAA's at the top because if you aren't, then someone else in C or B class will be taking the money home.

Westfield is a bit more forgiving if you miss one or two easy targets because you can pull yourself back into it by doing well on the intermediate and hard stands that they put on. IMO the Steve Lovat set courses are a step or two more difficult than the courses set at Coleys or Barbury. It does happen but it's rare that you see a C class shooter in the mid 80's at Westfield.
I wonder if the CPSA will ever get to grips with grounds more interested in filling their car parks than the integrity of the sport.

Honestly, some of the shoot averages I see posted down south are laughable.


Other than having a word with each ground or setting rigid guidelines on how far, high or fast each target presentation should be, what can they do?

Even if you were to set guidelines for each target type then you'd end up contesting 100 straights a la skeet because of the lack of variation between each course and ground. I shoot sporting because of the variation. You can get piss easy targets out at 50 yards and really difficult targets within 20. If I wanted each stand and course to be the consistently the same every time then I'd shoot skeet.

Ultimately these grounds are catering for a market that exists because folks like to stroke their ego and come away having hit vastly more targets than they missed. I know folks who won't shoot at Westfield because they don't want big targets. There's a chance they'll miss a few and that'll lower their average. There is a practice ground locally that has a reputation for setting harder targets which has had quite an effect on their Saturday morning turnouts. People don't want to shoot a 60/100, they want to shoot a 90/100 and get those pats on the back from their mates.

I don't see it as too much of an issue, if you'd only ever shot at Coleys and Barbury and subsequently found yourself in A or AA as a result then it would be pretty humbling to then go to another ground and put in a low 60's score and be mid table C class because you've never really shot that many challenging targets on the same course.

As long as all shooters are shooting the same targets on the same day then it's a pretty fair contest whether the overall average be 45 or 75.

Maybe class averages should be worked out based on a percentage of the highest overall score from that shoot rather than from 100? That way, those who frequent grounds where the HG may only be 83/100 and they scored a 73/100 can still retain an A or AA average rather than being a B or C class shooter who would actually be a lot higher should they frequent grounds with higher HG's on average.

Whatever the system some will still game it so that they retain a higher class than they actually are and some will still game it to remain in lower classes and pick up the valuable prizes at opens like the Pro One.

Maybe the northerners should start venturing south and clean up on the class prizes?
Other than having a word with each ground or setting rigid guidelines on how far, high or fast each target presentation should be, what can they do?

Even if you were to set guidelines for each target type then you'd end up contesting 100 straights a la skeet because of the lack of variation between each course and ground. I shoot sporting because of the variation. You can get piss easy targets out at 50 yards and really difficult targets within 20. If I wanted each stand and course to be the consistently the same every time then I'd shoot skeet.

Ultimately these grounds are catering for a market that exists because folks like to stroke their ego and come away having hit vastly more targets than they missed. I know folks who won't shoot at Westfield because they don't want big targets. There's a chance they'll miss a few and that'll lower their average. There is a practice ground locally that has a reputation for setting harder targets which has had quite an effect on their Saturday morning turnouts. People don't want to shoot a 60/100, they want to shoot a 90/100 and get those pats on the back from their mates.

I don't see it as too much of an issue, if you'd only ever shot at Coleys and Barbury and subsequently found yourself in A or AA as a result then it would be pretty humbling to then go to another ground and put in a low 60's score and be mid table C class because you've never really shot that many challenging targets on the same course.

As long as all shooters are shooting the same targets on the same day then it's a pretty fair contest whether the overall average be 45 or 75.

Maybe class averages should be worked out based on a percentage of the highest overall score from that shoot rather than from 100? That way, those who frequent grounds where the HG may only be 83/100 and they scored a 73/100 can still retain an A or AA average rather than being a B or C class shooter who would actually be a lot higher should they frequent grounds with higher HG's on average.

Whatever the system some will still game it so that they retain a higher class than they actually are and some will still game it to remain in lower classes and pick up the valuable prizes at opens like the Pro One.

Maybe the northerners should start venturing south and clean up on the class prizes?
It is a tricky issue but I think your first suggestion is all that would be needed. If a reg ground is consistently posting class winning scores that are in excess of the corresponding cut offs then our governing body should have a quiet word. The threat of a three month registered suspension would soon pull them in to line.

Course setting is a thankless task and folk will always moan and the standard of shooters on the day has to be taken into consideration but sometimes an obvious pattern emerges . I see some reg stands posted on social media of literally a slow going away with a bin lid on report. That's corporate stuff.

We all want to shoot big scores and competition between grounds drives this race to the bottom. In the north our grounds are hours apart so there's no competition between grounds. They set what they like and we shoot what we're given!

A 6/7 hour round trip to shoot a 100 reg down south is beyond most people's pockets or enthusiasm.


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