My vision for the shoot is pretty simple.
I want a
landmark event on the calendar - something to complement the other majors: The (superb imho) Classic, The Gamebore Gold Cup, Essex Masters, The Opens etc, and an extra opportunity for top shooters in all classes and categories to win good prizes. For it to be a complete success - I want it to pay big at the top, and as deep as possible. I have some fantastic ideas that I hope will make the event a real success.
However - it's my first competition, and I am learning as I go. I have had some excellent offers of sponsorship, including a couple that I have turned down, that will enable me to to achieve those goals. I will reserve the right to constantly adjust and improve the size and depth of the payouts to ensure that as many people as possible win something.
Currently - each class winner will take home a prize worth around £1000 including a cash element, the HG will currently take home a prize worth around £5000 including a cash element. In addition to the class and category prizes, I will also be holding a back number raffle - meaning that there will be x/540 chance of winning further BIG prizes. All of these will be alongside the pool shoot prizes which will be worth turning up on their own!
If the final sponsor discussions are successful, then there will be more in the pot all round. I am currently talking through one option that will bring a superb headline sponsor and a great headline prize that is NOT just for the HG. I hope to be able to finally name all the sponsors next week and finally commit to a payout structure.
(If you think you can offer further sponsorship to the event - let me know, I'm still hunting for a few things....)
My personal commitment to this competition is that as the entries increase, I will put a bigger chunk of my profit into the prize fund to pay deeper in classes and reward even more people for shooting well - but as the prizes go up, so does the difficulty. If the event sells out, I'll pay much deeper in every class.
Finally - the aim is create a competition that runs every year, and sells out every year - if it all works, it'll be somewhere in between scenario one and two above... although I doubt people will be rocking up to offer tips until AFTER they've shot the course!
The ShootClay cup is selling well, but it still needs more entries - so if you haven't committed to competing against the best - now is your chance: