Shooting and Politics

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Here's two replies I got back almost straight away.

Thank you for your email

I support the right of people to engage in shooting sports conducted according to
the law and the current codes of practice.

If elected I think it unlikely that I would join the All Party Group on Shooting and
Conservation as it is not one of my primary interests.

Yours sincerely,

Owen Temple
Liberal Democrat candidate for North West Durham

Hi David

I have no problems with shooting so my answer to Q1 is Yes. No I would not join the
APPG on Shooting & conservation. As a MP I am urged/encouraged to join all kinds of
APPGs & I have learnt that I need to stick to those I have experience in & can
reasonably attend. In any event I an PPS to Shadow SoS DEFRA & the quaint rules of
Parliament do not allow PPSs to speak on issues that come under the dept they
represent. Strange but true!


Got this reply back from the UKIP candidate. The others have not yet replied.

Thank you for your email.

I support shooting sports being conducted according to the law and current codes of practice. I would not be likely to join the All Party Group on Shooting and Conservation.

You may be interested to know that our party leader, Nigel Farage MEP, has just written an article pertinent to this issue. If you have not seen it, it can be accessed at the following webpage:

If you would like to find out more about UKIP’s policies, please feel free to download our latest UKIP Surrey Bulletin at the following link:

Yours sincerely,

Redvers Cunningham

UKIP Parliamentary Candidate for Spelthorne

10 Jennings Close

Long Ditton



On 26 Mar 2015, at 08:14, wrote:
