Shooting in bad light

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I wouldn't stand in that! OK, need wellies, but mostly its a lot better than that.. (There was one wet period that did leave weston wood like a swamp for a while)

This is what happens when a Dorset trap shooter has a go at being a hedge monkey in typical British weather! The person in question is Ianinpoole, picture probably taken by Garry2749, who always seems to have a bloody camera with him!!!
Whats going here then?? :crazy:

You missed a good day there Les, Back to original post i must admit that i find light change a problem. Colored glasses no longer work so just ordered some clear lens in the Zeise frames. Must be all those black clay's the Hedge monkeys use.

Dont always have a camera old fella its called a mobile phone.Do they have such things in west bay or are you still on cans and string ?  :comando:

Whats going here then?? :crazy:

You missed a good day there Les, Back to original post i must admit that i find light change a problem. Colored glasses no longer work so just ordered some clear lens in the Zeise frames. Must be all those black clay's the Hedge monkeys use.

Dont always have a camera old fella its called a mobile phone.Do they have such things in west bay or are you still on cans and string ?  :comando:
"A good day"................stumbling about in a boggy, water filled, muddy field on a Sunday?  Yeah, we're a bit behind the times in West Bay mate, still won't be long now, we get electricity and in doors toilets next year!  :haha:

Thats not his gun hes polishing ??? :haha:

Wonder if hes got new Blue Auto yet ?         
What is it with bloody BLUE autos ? Surely Ian is not going to get one? Looks as if Trev is even going to get one, it must be some sort of fashion statement with you guys over in the east of the county! :haha:

Well winter is beginning to set in down here and we are seeing days when the conditions over head are quite cloudy. My question is there any point to shooting practice rounds in bad light? I love my days shooting but it is a long round trip to the shooting ground and wonder if it is really worth while. On the one hand you cannot perform at your best on the other you are out of the house with friends enjoying yourself and possibly preparing for a day when in competition the weather is bad. What is the opinion of other tarpies?
I train regularly midweek on a very difficult ground here to shoot at the best of times, Nuthampstead.  It's known among trap shooters as the graveyard on the A10.  

The sky is nearly always a wishy washy grey to white.  There is an earth bund which at various stages of the year is covered in weeds/grass and a multitude of broken orange clays of different hues as they weather.  The light isn't good with clouds moving across whatever sun there is and the clays have a habit of playing now you see me, now you don't as they pass along the top of the bund into the skyline or disappear into the background of broken clays lining the bund.

The traps are Italian FB and they flick the clays off the throwing plate very quickly and unless you have a solid technique you're pretty assured of a loss.

I train there because it is hard work and it takes a lot of mental effort for every target on every round to shoot well there.  IMHO there's no point in just shooting a round of ABT, UT or OT for the sake of it.  I go there with an objective in mind, it's not a score by the way, more reaffirming my shooting routine and technique, the score comes if I've done what I set out to do.  With 25 years experience shooting abroad I do know that I'm going to find more Nuthampstead type targets overseas than are thrown by other grounds in the UK.  

That's my take on it for what it's worth. 

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I wouldn't stand in that! OK, need wellies, but mostly its a lot better than that.. (There was one wet period that did leave weston wood like a swamp for a while)
When I saw the picture I immediately thought of you Will  :biggrin:

I train regularly midweek on a very difficult ground here to shoot at the best of times, Nuthampstead.  It's known among trap shooters as the graveyard on the A10.  

The sky is nearly always a wishy washy grey to white.  There is an earth bund which at various stages of the year is covered in weeds/grass and a multitude of broken orange clays of different hues as they weather.  The light isn't good with clouds moving across whatever sun there is and the clays have a habit of playing now you see me, now you don't as they pass along the top of the bund into the skyline or disappear into the background of broken clays lining the bund.

The traps are Italian FB and they flick the clays off the throwing plate very quickly and unless you have a solid technique you're pretty assured of a loss.

I train there because it is hard work and it takes a lot of mental effort for every target on every round to shoot well there.  IMHO there's no point in just shooting a round of ABT, UT or OT for the sake of it.  I go there with an objective in mind, it's not a score by the way, more reaffirming my shooting routine and technique, the score comes if I've done what I set out to do.  With 25 years experience shooting abroad I do know that I'm going to find more Nuthampstead type targets overseas than are thrown by other grounds in the UK.  

That's my take on it for what it's worth. 
I have little doubt of the truth of that.  And it most certainly is an essential attitude for a serious competitor.  

So it's prolly just old age here, but where's the fun?

As a hedgemonkey I don't get worried until the water is getting near the top my waders!

Gave up fishing for shooting you see!

Phil you have a good regimen going there and no doubt it is a sound concept. I tend to shoot for the enjoyment although I am trying to improve my shooting in general and have tried a few competitions. I have only been shooting trap for two years and although I have seen some good improvement in my scores without a coach I would not know where to start working on my problems because I don't fully recognise nor understand what they are. To be honest my only barometer is my score at the end of the round and that is how I gauge how I am shooting other than the fact that I can tell that I am hammering them or just a chip. Grounds here are always where the land is not useful to a farmer so the are on ground which shelves away(30 or 40m from a gully or ravine) sharply at the rear of the ground so no bunds but usually trees to a couple of metres behind the line of flight can make the low extreme lefts and rights difficult and the low straight targets but you don't get bothered by broken targets in the background.

Bloody hell ! I yet again I get one busy day in the office, and you lot are all kicking off again !

Tell you what though. A cracking day out was had at Ower shooting ground on Sunday, yes there was a little light rain mud here and returning an intact score card recived bonus points. (synthetic paper was mentioned but dismissed on eccomic grounds, if any one has a good source pm me)

There is not such a thing as the wrong weather just the wrong clothing, Peter Allis I think ?

Bloody hell ! I yet again I get one busy day in the office, and you lot are all kicking off again !

Tell you what though. A cracking day out was had at Ower shooting ground on Sunday, yes there was a little light rain mud here and returning an intact score card recived bonus points. (synthetic paper was mentioned but dismissed on eccomic grounds, if any one has a good source pm me)

There is not such a thing as the wrong weather just the wrong clothing, Peter Allis I think ?
No self respecting tarpie should wallow about in a bog and then claim it to be a cracking day!! I just knew that Gaz would lead you astray, I told you he was a menace and now look at you! You even bought a blue auto!!! Please don't keep it in a safe with the very pretty K80! Pmsl!!!! She will be offended.!

Doesn't owning an auto actually enhance the status of the Krieghof owner??  It'll certainly push the appearance average of the safe contents higher.

no smileys cuz AFAIC it's just the truth

just get one of these


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Slightly on topic, but thought I would comment to say, did you know that Rome has a higher rainfall per year than any city in England?!

Makes you realise, we don't always have the worst weather all the time. :)


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