Shooting rabbits and foxes on my own property.

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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2016
My licence only arrived today and I'm already thinking of other uses for my gun.

My question is, is it legal/safe for me to shoot rabbits and foxes on my own land. I have 6 acres on a slight slope and wondered if it is legal for me to shoot rabbits and foxes on my own land if I can be confident that the shot won't leave my property. There is a small empty paddock between me and a B-road, but if I'm aiming at the ground and I'm sure the shot won't leave my property, is this okay? I have a sub 12 ft lbs air rifle that I could use for rabbits (pesky buggars are digging holes in the lawn and eating the bark off my newly planted trees and I can't guarantee a clean kill with the air rifle) but occasionally a fox shows interest in the coup and it would be nice to show him who's boss.

I'd also like to pattern my gun and see what's going on with different chokes. Could I setup a pattern target on my property or do I need to be a certain amount of distance from a road?

I should have spoke to the FEO when he visited but I was so concerned with presenting myself as exemplary citizen of the year to think about it!

I'd also like the mrs to not be upset about shooting furry things so if anyone can help me with that too, you deserve a medal!

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Cannot see it being a problem. Get some 5 shot cartridges for rabbits and AAAs for Mr fox.

But iam afraid the problems with the wife are well beyond the reach of this forum.

I'm sure you can shoot any were on you land as long as it's not within 300ft towards a road or footpath I'll try and find the article for you 

Get her involved!  That's how I started by going to watch Phil and I can honestly say I was not interested at all and was adamant that I would never hold a gun etc (very ignorant in my younger days) let along shoot one!  He kept on at me to have a go so I said I would have a lesson just to shut him up and when I hit my second bunny I was hooked, it was such a thrill and we now shoot together (maybe you don't want that though .).  

He used to be in a syndicate and let me have one of his days one year and I must say I wasn't sure I would like it but I got stuck in and was more concerned about getting a good shot and not just pricking the birds and now I love pigeon shooting, have shot ducks but I love them so stopped that as I couldn't bear to hurt them! 

If she has never shot before take her to a practice ground where you can go round together but not in a crowd and let her have a go, but DONT sigh or make comments if she misses one, never a good thing to do. ?  Just encourage her to tag along to start and let her see what it's all about.

If she really doesn't like what you do to the furry things then just don't take them back to the house where she can she them and get upset.  Ignorance is bliss.

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Get her involved!  That's how I started by going to watch Phil and I can honestly say I was not interested at all and was adamant that I would never hold a gun etc (very ignorant in my younger days) let along shoot one!  He kept on at me to have a go so I said I would have a lesson just to shut him up and when I hit my second bunny I was hooked, it was such a thrill and we now shoot together (maybe you don't want that though .).  

He used to be in a syndicate and let me have one of his days one year and I must say I wasn't sure I would like it but I got stuck in and was more concerned about getting a good shot and not just pricking the birds and now I love pigeon shooting, have shot ducks but I love them so stopped that as I couldn't bear to hurt them! 

If she has never shot before take her to a practice ground where you can go round together but not in a crowd and let her have a go, but DONT sigh or make comments if she misses one, never a good thing to do. ?  Just encourage her to tag along to start and let her see what it's all about.

If she really doesn't like what you do to the furry things then just don't take them back to the house where she can she them and get upset.  Ignorance is bliss.
Thanks for the advice, Donna. Unfortunately I already know there is no way she'd get in to shooting, she gets upset when I shoot a rat! She once saved a drowning rat that had got it's self stuck in the horses water trough, even though she knew we'd had a big rat problem in the chicken coop and I'd spent the whole week laying bait and checking traps! She's fine with me having a gun and realises that sometimes pest control is needed but there's no point flogging a dead horse. It's cool though, she doesn't expect me to be interested in horses or pianos. To be fair, I'm a big animal lover too and wouldn't shoot something for fun (except clays of course) but I have no problem with people that do, I'm certainly not an "anti".

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So to clarify....

You may shoot on private land where you have a right to be.

None of the shot may leave the boundaries of said land.

It is an offence to discharge a firearm within 50ft of the centre of 'The Queens Highway" (middle of a road).

Safe and legal are two totally different things.

Ideally shoot in, towards your land, rather than towards the rd or byway.

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So to clarify....

You may shoot on private land where you have a right to be.

None of the shot may leave the boundaries of said land.

It is an offence to discharge a firearm within 50ft of the centre of 'The Queens Highway" (middle of a road).

Safe and legal are two totally different things.

Ideally shoot in, towards your land, rather than towards the rd or byway.
Thanks for that, Skeet. 

You're right, safe and legal are two different things, I'm not sure why I put legal/safe as only I can judge if it safe to do so.

50ft is a very reasonable distance, I thought It would be more like 50 yards.
