I am just going through this process now with my first renewal, OMG what a stressful experience and its not over yet. 5 times, no word of a lie, 5 times I have had to take my Doctor's proforma back to have it filled in correctly and still I am waiting. The Sussex & Surrey renewal team have been really supportive, even sending me a simple list to give to the Doctor of what it is they want the Doctor to fill out, still they get it wrong. The Doctors have sent me a request for a new proforma as they one they have been chopping around with has no more room for the necessary amendments, supplied this last Wednesday..
This whole saga has stemmed from an administrative error on the NHS whereby they called in my medical records in 2015 as I had not been to the Quack for years, then realised their mistake (I was still alive) and sent them back, this is seen on the system as a re-register, therefore as far as the Doctors are concerned, they don't have continuous medical records and that is what they are writing on the form, I have been with the same surgery since 1993 but hopefully having gone in and spoken with the Practice manager, they now realise what has happened and hopefully when I finally get my letter back, it will contain the appropriate information. Two things really worry me, the Dr signing the document has never seen me in my life, and what is a simple task has become both unnecessarily stressful but will likely cost me more money as they are talking about send a covering letter to explain to the FA renewal team. £55 for the original proforma and probably another £55 for the letter....... not happy but I cant be seen to get annoyed otherwise they may hold that against me

Oh I almost forgot, I will now have to put my gun into storage as the new renewal will not be ready in time because of this delay..