Should we all shoot 24g cartridges

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To be honest I'd have bought some English Sporter at £186 but they ran out unsurprisingly, there was a time when I used them a lot.

where I am a member, they have nothing south of 200+ I have asked, at the end of the day for me its just a bit of fun on my day off, im not into competitions... so I see no reason to spend big money on the cartridges, the clays are dear enough.. especially when im getting a dozen+ dudds each time I go.. I have been advised to take pad n pen so I can note down where they are so they can be taken care of.. 

Id have them in a jiffy, but the 140 mile round trip makes it none worth while .
Agreed , I shoot £196 , Oly Blues at clays , it makes me wince once a year when I practice on the  high tower for pheasants pre season with the actual game loads at £360/1000 😂 

If you’re frequently getting a dozen no birds , I’d be looking for another ground , anyhow if you tell them you’ve had no birds they should not charge no questions asked . 

Bulk is the key to getting good shells cheap..210gbp a thousand for Power Golds one of the smoothest cartridges i have ever shot.

For me it isn't about speed as the 1500 fps quoted for superfast is BS "1328fps Hull Super Fast 27g" compared to "1401fps Lyalvale Power Gold 28g" ref

Manufacturers sometimes have some interesting ways of measuring cartridge  speed 🙄

Manufacturers sometimes have some interesting ways of measuring cartridge  speed 🙄
To be honest I thought there was an industry standard they all had to stick to?  I agree about the speed not being a factor though, the best cartridges I have ever used are Clever T4 pro extra ultra smooth and not the highest speed rating.

To be honest I thought there was an industry standard they all had to stick to?  I agree about the speed not being a factor though, the best cartridges I have ever used are Clever T4 pro extra ultra smooth and not the highest speed rating.
I believe many manufacturers may measure at the end of the barrel,the link was to a gentlemen who measures them all over 3+ cartridges at i believe 1M from the barrel.

I f not in that actual post another of his he explains his method and seen as he is not doing it for personal gain i think i would take his figures over manufacturers ones and as they are all measured in the same way with the same equipment comparisons will be valid within his charts.

I do find superfast to be a little more punchy though not excessive compared with the Power Gold so i was surprised they were slower so it goes to show recoil and speed are not necessarily related.

I think everybody prefers it smooth rather than hard and fast 😁

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Agreed , I shoot £196 , Oly Blues at clays , it makes me wince once a year when I practice on the  high tower for pheasants pre season with the actual game loads at £360/1000 😂 

If you’re frequently getting a dozen no birds , I’d be looking for another ground , anyhow if you tell them you’ve had no birds they should not charge no questions asked . 
It was the first I had that many, and it was after a big event.

And I do believe they didn't charge me. But I shall be keeping an eye on them.
