Solar Energy, is it viable

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
As the SC "problem" is still not out in the open, I'd thought I'd ask, for a domestic dwelling only

Does anyone know how much of an investment one has to make in order to expect a yeild to offset a yearly £1000 electricity bill?

What's the life expectancy of these eyesores, and how many years before (if ever) does anyone expect to profit.

I paid about 12 grand a couple of years back for an installation of just under 4kwh. This quarter I am expecting a cheque for 650 quid from edf.

However, things have changed a lot on two years. You would probably pay half what I did for it to be fitted and the feed in tariff set by the govt (what you get paid back) has also dropped dramatically to less than half what it was when I signed up. I reckon it'll be about 8 years for mine to pay for itself. If you got one now I reckon itd be longer.

I think what Bebo is trying to say is .............. its bollox :)

Yes !!..we design it into all our new builds .

Pros and Cons of Solar PV systems


  • You can benefit from the Governments feed-in tarIf which pays a set rate per kWh of electricity generated and an additional rate for any exported back to the national grid.
  • The feed-in tariff is guaranteed by the Government for 20 years.
  • Panels designed for European countries generate power even on cloudy days, they simply need light to produce electricity.
  • Clean energy means you reduce your carbon emissions by up to 1 tonne per annum.
  • Producing your own power protects against rising energy prices.

  • A large area of unshaded south, south-west or south-east facing roof is required to maiximise payback. Smaller systems can be installed but payback will be longer.
  • Panels degrade over time by approximately 20% over 25 years, this however is taken into account in most reputable suppliers calculations.
  • It may be beneficial to replace the inverter
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I think what Bebo is trying to say is .............. its bollox :)
Nope, not bollox.  It depends on what you want it for.  You won't make a fast buck, but it will pay for itself and gives a better rate of return than leaving hte money in the bank under current interest rates.

Good point, interest rate none existent. My motto .. Spend it :)

preferably on shooting.

Good point, interest rate none existent. My motto .. Spend it :)

preferably on shooting.

I'm all for that too.  But I must admit I enjoy EDF paying me more than I have to pay them!


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