Southern Counties SG, What's happening?

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What's needed is a Farmer or a farmer's son with experience in shooting and contact's in the middle east . Anybody come to mind?

Imagine a shooting ground with full facilities for every discipline set in ground's that any golf course would be proud of and situated around the M4 / M5 junction.

Never shot SC, but I am really looking forward to the British open skeet there in August. I have been trawling the net for pictures and video from there to get a feel for the place already and it looks mighty impressive. A real shame for south westerners if it closes :( Not enough top drawer trap and skeet grounds as it is.
Good Skeet at SC , the 2003 England Skeet Team shot 500 ex 500 at the Home international held there. My wallet has never recovered. I also remember a certain England shooter proclaiming that if they got the 500 ex 500 , he would run naked across the layout's but didn't have the ball's to do it :)

Yes quite right.

But I think that WesC might not have been there or might not be familiar with the Olympic layouts or just how much they cost in infra-structure.

He could be just thinking of a much smaller ground to replace it.....I do not know.
I would imagine it would be a pretty big cost for a start my Cricket club we have just built a pavilion that cost £200k and it isn't that big, without a bar or anything fancy like that and built on existing footings etc....I dread to think how much a new SG would cost to set up.

60k per ot layout i believe is the going rate ... Ouch

4 layouts for OT DTL ABT Skeet and 20 trap sporting with log cabin would be over 600k depending on the amount of groundwork

I would imagine it would be a pretty big cost for a start my Cricket club we have just built a pavilion that cost £200k and it isn't that big, without a bar or anything fancy like that and built on existing footings etc....I dread to think how much a new SG would cost to set up.
Yes....that is the point we are making....hence better to save the one that is the best in the country.

If it is really going to close couldn't the existing traps be relocated to a new home in SW to preserve the Olympic disciplines.

I was talking to a mate the other day who is making over £2k from electricity produced from his small domestic roof so imagine what the land at SC can generate without all the manpower required  to service the traps and shoots etc.

I thought it was the former investment banker who wanted the solar farm but I've probably got it wrong.

Cornwall is about to lose its county target smallbore target range because Imerys the clay company can get a fabulous return from a solar farm on the former spoil tips.

Its all about the money and especially now that foreign companies are buying up or have bought up our manufacturing industries.  Its rape and pillage all over again!

Sounds like the owner at SC has fallen in sh*t and come up smelling of roses after his neighbour complained about him depositing lead shot on his organic fields. 

Robert speak to the nice guy at lower lake cos ruag are next door I'm sure something could get sorted

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I was actually thinking of nothing quite as grand as SC. Thinking more like a small exclusive club. Wooden towers for the skeet traps, big tin for the DTL and a path up through some woods for the Sporting.

I am certain it could be done cheaper, I built a 22ft by 18ft shed in may back garden with insulation and full electrics for 800 quid.

Things can be grand looking without the luxury, and kept that way with proper care.

I have to say (no offence to anyone) but a lot of shoots I have been to are nothing more than a muddy path !

I know of some land  :spiteful:


So let's say I had the land already (thanks to a good friend).

6 traps for skeet = £3600

20 traps for sporting = £12000

5 traps for compak = £3000

5 traps for DTL = £3000

I Shed for compak = £1000

i mega shed for snacks = £5000

Just cost in the groundwork for paths and stands = £10000

That's only £37600.00

I have got tons left for everything else (ie: Council back handers)  :hi:

Note: The council thing is just a joke, I fully understand that all councilors are as straight as a die and the salt of the earth.


Good luck to you with getting that of the ground WesC but that is not comparable to what we are talking about, for what we are losing.

I really hope that if SC goes that you can get something going......but remember it is an international discipline ground.

You see with your one, you will never get a World Cup or world or European championships (like SC does). It will not train internationals to bring back medals ....which will help get the UK Sport funding raised higher......Oooooops that is politics again....and we do not want to go there because we are not interested in politics.

So I hope you can get yours of the ground.....but it is not the same .....and that is nothing to do with 'fancy' it is to do with ability to put big comps on.

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Sorry Nicola , 90 acres of land @ £10k = 900k. 

1.5m total
And there are bound to be legal costs. Some local residents are bound to object to guns, noise and increased traffic. The bill goes up and up. Yes the traps could be sold on to a new ground which would help keep costs down but they still need to be installed properly which won't be cheap.

How much land (How many acres at say £6k per acre) is needed for a site that would include all the land required to avoid any fall of shot possibly going onto a neighbour's land?

How much land (How many acres at say £6k per acre) is needed for a site that would include all the land required to avoid any fall of shot possibly going onto a neighbour's land?
I asked this question a while back (whilst dreaming of winning the lottery), it was a ridiculously high number.


 I can see that your enthusiasm is running away just a little bit, but keep up the good work.


 I can see that your enthusiasm has run away completely.

Who can remember when Southern Counties was a God forsaken fogbound hovel hidden behind a greasy spoon transport cafe?

Who can remember when Hodnet was run from a Caravan?

Who can remember when Doveridge was a portakabin no bigger than the steel container that sits by the barbecue area?

Who can remember when Fauxdegla was a windswept hovel called Llanndegla?

How much land (How many acres at say £6k per acre) is needed for a site that would include all the land required to avoid any fall of shot possibly going onto a neighbour's land?
One of my businesses collects parcels of land Robert....and if you can get land at £6K that can get a clubhouse or shooting range on me immediately....!

......just saying.


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