Southern Counties SG, What's happening?

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 Nic, for me it's like a trip back in time, in my early trap shooting days my nearest OT ground was Garlands!  I guess it was about 2.5 to 3 hrs away from where I was!  But petrol was cheaper in those days and I didn't mind driving so much back then.
Yeap.....fuel is a frightener now.

In reality travel is the norm if you are going for team places because they are spread all around the country and you have to go where the selection shoots it or lump it.

(Except in my discipline where the important cut off shoots are always in Kent on a I and others cannot do those any is now too expensive to give up a days work.)

Yep 1hr for practice and 2hr for decent comp for me.

Glad i have the motorhome for those 4hr weekend trips.

It takes me 2 ferry trips and approximately 800 miles of driving for me to visit southern counties for an OT shoot , whether it be a championship shoot or a selection shoot , and I can honestly say I do not begrudge it one bit, fantastic ground in a beautiful part of the country + it keeps the wife happy as the inlaws live in Christchurch , I still love it even though it kicked my arse big style last week

Ha, i have just about recovered from it pal :)

i think ....

I know the feeling. You doing the uk at Bisley next week ?

Ps. Did a abt yesterday started with a straight finished with an 89 so feel a bit better now :)

No mate, my next off island excursion is the GB selection shoot at Loch Ness in July hopefully , and definitely the OT grand prix at Beverly in September its costs me around £600 squid a throw each time I get on that bloody boat

Well i will catch up at the Gp then.


Hi Wes please can you tell me where to purchase traps at £600 each as good ones like Promatic commercial are around £1200 to £1300 each but would be interested at £600.


Hi Wes please can you tell me where to purchase traps at £600 each as good ones like Promatic commercial are around £1200 to £1300 each but would be interested at £600.

I was wondering that too but didn't like to ask as maybe Wes knows something that we don't.

Some one else said £600 earlier in the thread, I was going off that.

But there is no need to be all  pernickety about it. :sarcastic:

And , no I wouldn't pay £1300 pound for a motor, a battery and some metal on wheels... :laugh:

Me and my mate Derek ( metal work industrial genius), would have a go it ourselves. We built a recumbent trike which costs £3000.00 for £550.00 including all the parts.  :nhl:


ps: promatic guys, I am sure the you offer full value for money in your products, (you gotta do disclaimers in everything you say nowadays)

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Had a bloke call yesterday to cut my conifers, and lay a new tarmac drive, nice bloke with lots of hard working ginger headed kids with him, asked if my Ifor Williams box trailer was for sale?  Said he could get me Promatics for the price of the scrap metal.

F *^ % $         Me Trailers gone !!!!

I think the point has been made that we cannot afford to replace this club.....because to do any part of the country......even if the land was gifted by the gifting one in their right mind would put over a mil into shooting these days.

So now we all recognise that (and I am not talking about a small club or straw baler)..........I go back to the original point.....

What have any of our NGB's, or government funders, or Sport England (who want us all playing sport) help this club survive.

If two farmers / business men are engaged in an argument / pissing contest over a dispute over lead inside / outside land boundaries......and knowing clearly how hard / impossible it would be to replace the club.....then why have the 'government funders' and our NGB's ....not backed an 'expert negotiator' to get between the two....??

If ever there was need for 'clever politics' in the sport this is it......!!!!!

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I think the point has been made that we cannot afford to replace this club.....because to do any part of the country......even if the land was gifted by the gifting one in their right mind would put over a mil into shooting these days.

So now we all recognise that (and I am not talking about a small club or straw baler)..........I go back to the original point.....

What have any of our NGB's, or government funders, or Sport England (who want us all playing sport) help this club survive.

If two farmers / business men are engaged in an argument / pissing contest over a dispute over lead inside / outside land boundaries......and knowing clearly how hard / impossible it would be to replace the club.....then why have the 'government funders' and our NGB's ....not backed an 'expert negotiator' to get between the two....??

If ever there was need for 'clever politics' in the sport this is it......!!!!!
Absolutely right as usual Nicola. Strangely enough my first thought when I first heard the rumours weeks ago was why don't S.C. simply buy the farmers field that has the lead pollution problem. It all seems a bit to me as if they don't want to resolve the issue ,the shooting ground is probably not making any money at the moment. if it ever did, so it would be be very convenient to  have a reason to close it down and create a solar panel farm with a guaranteed income.

Eureka!! I know why Mr. Bobbett and Mr.Fellows were in Dallas when they should have been at the World Sporting opening ceremony. They had nicked my idea and were negotiating with the Ewing family to finance it. :nyam: :haha: .

Sorry all, just couldn't resist it. Please humour one of your veteran members. :nyam:

"Eureka!! I know why Mr. Bobbett and Mr.Fellows were in Dallas when they should have been at the World Sporting opening ceremony. They had nicked my idea and were negotiating with the Ewing family to finance it.  :nyam:   :haha:  ."


Pray do tell us more  about this rumour, If Mr. Bobbett was in San Antonio or Dallas under his own steam, surely there is not a problem, if he was representing the association, who authorised the expense ? 

If what you infer is correct I find it scandalous that elected representatives paid to do a job could be so remiss as to not carry out a basic job function. Exactly like a former CEO who took his golf clubs.

Is it not time we had a sort out at HQ and with the Board before we have no assets to dispose of???????

Now my good friend Mr. Potter will be thinking " Oh my God here he goes again CPSA bashing!" 

But please tell me is it actually wrong as a paid up member of an Association not to ask awkward questions, and expect a honest and truthful answer ?

Does anyone know the correct procedure for asking these sort of questions ? Is it via your Region , County or HQ? Because a few questions do need to be asked and a few honest answers do need to be given.

None of the will not get an answer if it is something they do not want to answer.

I also have heard loads on this....but it is a bit like SC......does anyone know what happened. Several shooters have complained to me....but I told them.....'I just want to shoot.....I am not bothered about politics'....!

Who on here was at the Opening Ceremony?

How did 'our leaders' come across flying the flag for Cpsa??

"Eureka!! I know why Mr. Bobbett and Mr.Fellows were in Dallas when they should have been at the World Sporting opening ceremony. They had nicked my idea and were negotiating with the Ewing family to finance it.  :nyam:   :haha:  ."


Pray do tell us more  about this rumour, If Mr. Bobbett was in San Antonio or Dallas under his own steam, surely there is not a problem, if he was representing the association, who authorised the expense ? 

If what you infer is correct I find it scandalous that elected representatives paid to do a job could be so remiss as to not carry out a basic job function. Exactly like a former CEO who took his golf clubs.

Is it not time we had a sort out at HQ and with the Board before we have no assets to dispose of???????

Now my good friend Mr. Potter will be thinking " Oh my God here he goes again CPSA bashing!" 

But please tell me is it actually wrong as a paid up member of an Association not to ask awkward questions, and expect a honest and truthful answer ?

Does anyone know the correct procedure for asking these sort of questions ? Is it via your Region , County or HQ? Because a few questions do need to be asked and a few honest answers do need to be given.
There has been a lot of talk about this. As I was not there it would not be right for me to expand any further, however if what I have heard is correct then it should be taken further. Perhaps if any forum member was at the opening ceremony they would like to make a comment as to what actually happened.

I am not CPSA bashing as the association is made up of a lot of very good people, however when I see the way that their membership fees are being squandered by the management I will not sit back and accept it.

As you know I have asked some awkward questions of late none of which have been answered to my satisfaction. On the positive side providing the new articles are worded in the correct manner everything should be much more transparent in the future.

We shall see!!

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Hotshot100 quoted:

Strangely enough my first thought when I first heard the rumours weeks ago was why don't S.C. simply buy the farmers field that has the lead pollution problem.

With response to the above quote, the club probably can't afford the land and secondly the farmer would have to want to sell it. When i last checked they'd stopped making land anymore so the farmer probably has no intention of selling it and is also not very amused at someone else polluting his fields with lead! As we all know health, safety and the environment legislation have come on a fair amount in the last few years. I'm affraid its not just a case of "we want to buy your field, sell us it" he has to agree to sell it first, then he's going to want a kings ransome in return.

I do hope it gets sorted and the cpsa should have got involved to help negotiate a way around this problem. Like others have said though maybe its a conveniant excuse to make a better living from the land, its a shame but thats how things work!


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