Surrey Police using M25 Camera's.

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Jolly good. Not sure what this has to do with shooting though?

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Purely a revenue raising scheme....with renewed discussion about raising the motorway limit to 80 mph where is the credibility ?

thanks Rosso !  as this is the `pub, or cocktail lounge , anything goes, I think , Mr Powell ?

I always respect the speed limits, difficult to exceed it on the car park,oops, m25,,,,,, but the limits were set  in 1965,, needs a rethink in todays terms,,  totally out of touch bunnyhuggers again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I have not known a speeding offence have any bearing on the issue or renewal, of any gun certificate. I do not have a problem with speed camera's, usually people who speed on the motorways, do not adhere to the speed limits off them either. I live on a 30mph road where the average speed is between 50 and 60 mph. Only 2 weeks ago some very pretty flowers were attached to a lamp standard, for about the fourth time in the last five years. 

Westley. Most people doing 78 -85 on a motorway are not speeding. Even the smallest car can safely do that and stop. The powers that be were on about raising it to 85 a couple years ago. So why have they not done that. No money in it !

Almost every single gantry has a camera's on it.

Where are the visible police cars - invisible - unmarked - just there to make money - another tax on the motorist.

I don't speed and completely agree with you but getting nicked for doing just above the limit on the motor way is just taking the pi**.

They should put camara's on your road or may be park a marked police car on it but it prob would not raise enough money and cost them to much for the car.

You have to declare motoring offence's on your license, so it must have some relevance or why is it on there!

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The FAO who visited me said that the only thing that was likely to lead to me being refused or subsequently losing my gun was repeated speeding offences , I used to drive a lot for work and always tended to have 3 to 6 points on my licence ...and always motorway points..he said it was always people in my line of work that had the points but to be aware it may show the police that I am careless and don't learn a lesson...I took note and fortunately don't drive anywhere near as much anymore.

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The FAO who visited me said that the only thing that was likely to lead to me being refused or subsequently losing my gun was repeated speeding offences , I used to drive a lot for work and always tended to have 3 to 6 points on my licence ...and always motorway points..he said it was always people in my line of work that had the points but to be aware it may show the police that I am careless and don't learn a lesson...I took note and fortunately don't drive anywhere near as much anymore.
I had exactly the same discussion with my FEO when my renewal went in last week.

Maybe things are changing where minor offences will have more relevance in the future?

Just got back from trip up M25.

Went from junction 13 Staines to junction 10 A3 anti clockwise.

9 miles. 20 gantries with 5 camera's on each. That's 100 camera's.

Coming back clockwise same juncs 18 gantries with camara's on.

Is that not excessive or what.

We really do need looking after don't we.

Nanny state.

Rosso, we're being milked, not looked after.

Personally, if there was some apparent return for the cash they generate, as opposed to the seemingly endless black hole our cash disappears into, I would mind less. As it stands, it just annoys me into dreams of emigration.

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Do any of you actually believe that the average driver is capable of anything remotely like what the car is capable of?  I have no real idea of what the situation is like in UK, but I can tell you straight and true that here far the majority of drivers are well into the incompetent range.  And speed limits are useless to combat that and have become nothing more than has already been mentioned - revenue source supreme.

JMO of course 

I believe the average driver can cope, in today's average car, with driving at 80 to 85mph. In good conditions and on good roads, I would say most are capable of more, as are the cars - I love unrestricted autobahns.

There was something I heard on the radio the other day, stopping distances on the highway code haven't changed since it was introduced, or some such thing, so no consideration to abs brakes and improvements in tyre technology. I can well believe it.

Cars are made increasingly safer, and less and less seems to be done to ensure we don't drive like muppets (in other words, actual cops on roads keeping an eye on things). Case in point, driving back from Heathrow on Friday I joined a stream of other cars "undertaking" a driver in the outside lane of the A1 doing roughly 45 mph. Prevailing speed on the road was 70ish, emphasis on the ish, with nothing in the lanes to the driver's left to require the driver to stay in that lane. Driver was on the phone, handheld, oblivious to surroundings. Speed cameras don't deal with that.

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Until someone invents an anti driving like a tw*t camera they are all just piggy banks with a flash attached.

Tinker bell said:
You would have to look like a driving nutter...doing 100 in a 30 for it to be seen as not fit....because you would be viewed as loopy anyway.

Normal speeding 'bad luck' would not do this. If you were a deliberate repeat offender then that is a different matter...disregard for the law...etc etc .
A lad in he local village lost his certificate for 3 years for speeding. Got a call at work to say his grandfather was in hospital, heart attack, asking for him, on the way out...he jumped into his works van, drove the the hospital, stopped doing 50 in a 30, 6 points and a reckless driving charge, police revoked his certificate...took it to court, his lawer estimates defo win but 30k legal bill max...dropped court action.

I have not known a speeding offence have any bearing on the issue or renewal, of any gun certificate. I do not have a problem with speed camera's, usually people who speed on the motorways, do not adhere to the speed limits off them either. I live on a 30mph road where the average speed is between 50 and 60 mph. Only 2 weeks ago some very pretty flowers were attached to a lamp standard, for about the fourth time in the last five years.
I do!!! "Mr ******, you are sitting on 9 points, we consider this to be an indicator you may not be. responsible enough to posses a fac and shotgun certificate, can you explain his???"

Not me, a friend I had counter signed a renewal for!!!

You don't have to be a serial offender.

You could loose your license on one trip around the M25.

I would love to know if there are 20 gantries with camera's on in 9 miles how many there are in total on M25.

They, the police, know you have points, so why do you have to tell them on your license renewal.

They must do a check whilst doing the prelim work.

You have to put motoring offense's on your cert. there must be a reason for it.

When I got pulled for my 1st offense in 40 years they interrogated in the police car about my firearms certificate, so all my details came up on the police car computer.

As one poster said we are being milked.

Just done Mrs jaspers renewal asks for all convictions of any offence ,current or spent except parking. So would this not include speeding????

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I am going to put on my renewal this year my one and only speeding conviction in 41 years of driving. Got this 3 years ago, 3pts £60.00 fine. No driver awareness course offered.


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