The Balloons and the Balloon's bairn

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dustin dick

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2013
There was a family of balloons, where because of feelings of insecurity baby balloon had been allowed to sleep with mummy and daddy. The crunch came when mummy and daddy decided it was time for baby to start sleeping in his own bed. All went well for a while; baby had promised he would be good and adhere to the new arrangement. One dark and dismal night baby balloon decided he wanted back with mummy and daddy for the night, he slipped in their room and tried to squeeze between them as he had done many times but something was wrong, he had grown and no longer fitted. After a bit of thought baby balloon loosened the knot on top of his daddy’s head and released a bit of air, the same thing with mummy and finally to ensure success he released a bit of air from his own knot and comfortably slipped between them. Next morning when it was realised what he had done his daddy, somewhat deflated, took him into his room and with a stern voice told him, “You’ve let yourself down son, you’ve let me down but worst of all, you’ve let your mother down!” :hi:


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