Absolute tosh the quantity of choke is a physical measurement of constriction used by every manufacturer ...so you are saying everybody but you is wrong.
i see what you are trying to say but there must be conformity of measurement otherwise they can be no comparison,guess you could try telling every manufacturer that there gun must throw a 30 inch pattern at 30yds to call it half but that would never work because of other factors.
I shall have to have words with Nigel Teague and explain to him he has no idea WTF he is doing and get a refund! :lol: :lol:
Performance of the given restriction may well be different and how it patterns is subjective and dependant on other factors.
If i had had mine taken to 3/8 instead of half i suspect it would still break almost anything at ESP but then again i probably have the same Bore size as SG He is probably a member of the 18.4 mm club :wink:
Trust me schmokinn the only one talking tosh is your good self. Choke is and has always been a "performance", yes it's true that since making each and every gun (particularly multi chokes) "perform" to that exact principle is both impractical and impossibly expensive, that manufacturers have had to adopt a set of "measurements" that experience has shown will more often than not conform to the ideal +/- 5%

This means that when you buy a common gauge it will more or less give an idea of what the choke is supposed to be but bearing in mind that the constriction at the end of the barrel has to correspond to that inside

, then it makes them even more of a lottery unless one buys and uses a more sophisticated version which I presume guru has........even then what it says is immaterial UNLESS it also throws what it says, it has to walk the walk in other words.
I'm not saying everyone is wrong and I am right, I am saying YOU are wrong, others may well not be interested enough to care, some will read and be frightened to talk lest their lack of knowledge show, BUT the ones who know and understand how choke works will know that unless (for example) a barrel throws 60% inside a 30" circle at 40 yards then it is not half choke. I do agree though the multitude of factors involved means that the subject must not be over analysed, if you're happy with the breaks at the distances you shoot then that's all that matters.
I suspect that if we were to correctly pattern and measure guru's 3/8 choke that it will be found to be performing tighter than its intended denomination, it certainly sounds it from his
2-3 inches description as well as the fact he thinks it'll break 65 yard edge on Teal. This is not at all unusual by the way, CG are well known for their 1/4 performing beyond reasonable expectation as are some Beretta chokes, tis a common trick within the trade it seems because it makes the inexperienced think they're in possession of something speshol.