Trap choke sizes.......again?

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2018
Shooting DTL. My current gun is a Zoli Kronos fixed choke at full and threequarter. 

I think these are too tight, so I'm thinking of having them opened up a bit to 3/4 and 1/2, or even 5/8 and 3/8. Any thoughts or advice please?

Also best place to get this done? I'm in Cheshire.


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Wiseman's of Cannock J12 of the M6 will open chokes to any constriction you may wish .

I understand that 1/2 & 3/4 are now popular DTL constrictions.

Shooting DTL. My current gun is a Zoli Kronos fixed choke at full and threequarter. 

I think these are too tight, so I'm thinking of having them opened up a bit to 3/4 and 1/2, or even 5/8 and 3/8. Any thoughts or advice please?

Also best place to get this done? I'm in Cheshire.

Assuming you’re using the gun solely for DTL, 1/2 and 5/8 is fine. Take the gun to Teague and have it multi choked, you’ll then have the flexibility to try different chokes.

Out of interest, would that be to optimize for steel, or for lead shot? 
For lead. Almost nobody in the UK shoots steel at trap targets.
If steel is the only option, open the chokes a little. Given the rapid drop of steel shot at distance perhaps work to take the target a little quicker.

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Perhaps try a fibre or other cartridge that will open out a bit more. See how you get on. The difference between half & three quarters is unlikely to be more than 5 or 6 yards.

I am not a great shot but I can break OT targets just as well with 1/2 and full... it really is about putting it on the target in my opinion. Choke sizes, within reason, throw up more negatives for the head than they do positives for breaking targets in my opinion. There are so many different ways of  looking at the effect of choke that I actually think that standards that are accepted as gospel can easily by turned around. For example there is a guy down here who shoots really well, won his cat and 7th scratch at the worlds UT two years ago. Any way this man shoots what many would term more slowly than most his concern is being on target not shooting them fast close in. Now he hammers targets using 3/4 and full and yet we see lots of shooters trying to break the target before it has cleared the lip of the trap house. So my question is who is at the disadvantage the guy shooting his targets 5m closer with 1/2 and full or this fellow shooting his 5m further out with is 3/4 and full ? Indeed is Half actually a better than 3/4 choke if you take two shooters assuming they take their targets early ... interesting question ?

... interesting question ?
and one that cannot be answered.  Everyone is wired differently and what works for one set of wiring may or may not for a different schematic.  The trick, of course is to optimize the use of your own particular wiring.

In a purely practical approach fractional differences in chokes (in my experience) are not discernible.  Even on the plate the diff between 1/2 and 5/8 or 1/2 and 3/8 is a push.  In the Perazzis with factory screwins first barrel performance from #4 to #5 to #6 all will smoke a target (DTL) and I shot a pigeon gun 70cm barrel w/#3 first barrel at OT a lot with low 20's scores (it would also smoke DTL targets and kill pigeons).

getting excited about minuscule choke changes is a waste of energy IMO

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Shooting DTL. My current gun is a Zoli Kronos fixed choke at full and threequarter. 

I think these are too tight, so I'm thinking of having them opened up a bit to 3/4 and 1/2, or even 5/8 and 3/8. Any thoughts or advice please?

Also best place to get this done? I'm in Cheshire.

stay put   and try many different cartridges        lots of adjusted shotguns in gun shops  that obviously aint worked        no majic wand out there !!  💥💥💥

I think I may leave it, as is. I know it's the organic matter at one end of the gun that's the problem. 

I managed to get two lines in yesterday, and dropped 2 birds...48/50. But I'm still wondering if a more open choke would have chipped the 2 misses. Then again, it may have made it worse.

This shooting malarky, does mess with your head at times.

Thanks all.😊

Try something like the Fiocchi F3 Bior - in the first barrel. If you are "quick" at DTL they will be OK to 30/35 yards at three quarters or full but not much good thereafter. Your chokes will be fine above 35 yards anyway so your normal cartridge can sit in the second barrel. You can mix and match and try Bior in the full choke barrel etc - I understand some shooters like using the top barrel first for the additional mussel flip it gives.

They should scratch that itch which should hopefully go away.

Alternative cartridges are available !!

I think I may leave it, as is. I know it's the organic matter at one end of the gun that's the problem. 

I managed to get two lines in yesterday, and dropped 2 birds...48/50. But I'm still wondering if a more open choke would have chipped the 2 misses. Then again, it may have made it worse.

This shooting malarky, does mess with your head at times.

Thanks all.😊
If I missed a couple out of 50 the last thing on my mind would be my choke size. You hit 96% of the targets and missed 4% do you really think a more open choke is the answer? Next time concentrate on hitting 100% . Not only that how many of the targets did you break on the first barrel? At DTL you need first barrel kills that is very important.

It would seem that your process is working so if you give more attention to firming that up and less on outcome you may benefit.  That is an approach that seems to work for most if not all that try it.

I managed to get two lines in yesterday, and dropped 2 birds...48/50. But I'm still wondering if a more open choke would have chipped the 2 misses. Then again, it may have made it worse.


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