Trap tomorrow

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One of the UK's best ever trap shooters, Ian Peel, still holds down a normal job,so I doubt if he shoots a zillion shells a week! He also shoots as a vet these days and still out shoots some of the so called pro's.

I would not mind shooting two or three times as a week a couple of rounds per day but 150k carts per year ... I'm out :)

As said before I don't feel any recoil while I am shooting but after I can feel quite brain tired... if that makes any sense. I reckon my bonce is sensitive to recoil I just don't realise it while I am shooting.

One of the UK's best ever trap shooters, Ian Peel, still holds down a normal job,so I doubt if he shoots a zillion shells a week! He also shoots as a vet these days and still out shoots some of the so called pro's.
This is true, but he is old school, the modern way seems to be lots and lots of repetition.

So would I, for as long as I was enjoying it.

Just wonderiing if so much actually helps performance doing so much. 

I was given the chance to shoot 50 Targets a day for 3 months  when I was 21/22 but decided to do something else instead as it was a split decision between trap shooting and another sport (mind you that didn't turn out that bad). sometimes wished I'd taken the chance then :banghead:  . 

As i've said recently, would love to have the time/facilities to do it now as I believe it's the way to a step increase in my averages. :notfair:

Just think 150000 cartridges/ 6 hours a day could be a bit much and do more harm than good. Imagine what all that recoil is doing to your gyroscopics   :startle:
I would think that if you are shooting alone which one assumes is how most of the top lads train then you can soon get through 100 targets. If I had the time the money and the fitness I would think 200 in the morning and 200 in the afternoon is easily do-able and if you did this for even a month you would IMO be a totally different shooter able to compete at a much higher level. Of course Paul, you and I will never find out as we are too old too poor and too physically knackered to try it out BUT I would love someone to put it too the test on our behalf. Take a 30 yr old with a few years experience regularily hiting high 70s low 80s OT and do the above, I would predict he or she would be shooting 90+ within 1 months.

There would be no point whatsoever in me shooting 16 rounds of OT per day unless I had a skilled and very patient coach to tell me where I was missing the targets and what to do to stop doing it ! :)


also to actually improve you have to have the drive to iron out your faults it is not a case of shooting and automatically getting better you need to really want to get better. That essentially means being unhappy coming away from the stand having just shot 24,22,25,25,23,25,24 and 25 it is unlikely you will win any major competition shooting like that but that is scoring most can only dream of ! And there in lies the problem to win at OT you must need more than just a lot of practice you need the ability and drive to ensure you score 25 each round drop more than three or four targets from 125 and the chances are you will struggle to qualify for the shoot off as far as I can see !

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This is true, but he is old school, the modern way seems to be lots and lots of repetition.
Ian I think that we need to turn the clock back mate! I'm getting too old for all this new fangled where did I put those 32grm Eleys with the paper cases?

This is true, but he is old school, the modern way seems to be lots and lots of repetition.
Not sure if it's related to being old school or not. High volume shooting has always existed. Bob had to compete against the US and Russian armys along with others top shooters from around the world who were drafted to become so called range sweepers. The US team had to shoot at least 300 per day even then.

I suspect Ian was up against the same.

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I generally do 125 ot on sat and don't think i could physically do more these days, then a 100 ot or abt most sun. Its a pity i didn't have the same time and money that i do now when i was younger and fitter but such is life.

What's thweather meant to be like over the weekend in the North west? Don't know if to venture out tomorrow or Sunday.

Tell you what Ian, Im 26 now, so If I keep up the shooting now at the current rate (i.e. 1000 cartridges per month, Shooting every Saturday & SUnday), by the time Im 30 I should be someway decent. Ill save up and take a month or two break from work, and shoot 16 rounds of OT or UT a day. See If I can get into the 90s from then on!

(Feel free to help with sponsorship if you want! I can have an "ips" sticker on my stock)

I would think that if you are shooting alone which one assumes is how most of the top lads train then you can soon get through 100 targets. If I had the time the money and the fitness I would think 200 in the morning and 200 in the afternoon is easily do-able and if you did this for even a month you would IMO be a totally different shooter able to compete at a much higher level. Of course Paul, you and I will never find out as we are too old too poor and too physically knackered to try it out BUT I would love someone to put it too the test on our behalf. Take a 30 yr old with a few years experience regularily hiting high 70s low 80s OT and do the above, I would predict he or she would be shooting 90+ within 1 months.
Ha, its a great plan rob will have a word with my accountant see how tax efficient it would be :)


nice sat nice ish sun, why what's your cunning plan for sun ?

Not sure if it's related to being old school or not. High volume shooting has always existed. Bob had to compete against the US and Russian armys along with others top shooters from around the world who were drafted to become so called range sweepers. The US team had to shoot at least 300 per day even then.

I suspect Ian was up against the same.
i am sure that is true and yes he was but by old school i mean Ian is naturally talented and although he would have trained hard holding a job down i doubt it would have been anything like as much as his opposition. Talent won him through rather than huge sponsorship or time on the range at least by todays standards.

Ian, will you be at Sealand tomorrow? I might pop over if I am feeling ok, have a bit of a flu of some sort.

Yes rob i will be there from 10.15 ish. Man flu eh, lot of it about the fresh air and one of marys breakfast will sort you out. Also suggest copious amounts of the Scottish medicine tonight :)

Yes rob i will be there from 10.15 ish. Man flu eh, lot of it about the fresh air and one of marys breakfast will sort you out. Also suggest copious amounts of the Scottish medicine tonight :)
Cool beans, Ill be there. Ya man flu, hopefully over the worst of it now. Dont have any Scottish medicine but do have some Stella, so that will have to do (thats the beer, not the woman btw!)
