Very Slow Crossers!

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1 hour ago, Gordon H. said:

More crossing targets! Clip from my next video


Missed a long crosser & it was the last target. When checking the video I'm convinced that I should have changed my top barrel to a tighter choke, which I had intended to do. Using skeet chokes in both barrels.

A lesson for me for the future 40 yard crossers need half or (at least) quarter choke!

I respectively disagree on the choke issue.

I'd concur with Sian. Hard to judge by the camera view tho it looks to me like you were swinging nice and even on first two but pulling up just before releasing the shot on last one - can see it coming on the last but one already that you barely got it.

I tried to correct my spelling error but it wouldn't show me my text.  Respectfully not respectively.

Slowing and lifting just at the last. Missed behind. 

You are smoking them with those chokes, tightening up will make it worse not better! :)

why wait till the clay is disappearing behind the bush? Your lead was established already in the middle of the flight, certainly in the first 2/3.

ho boy, armchair comments are soooooooo easy! :)

Am i missing something or are you trying to find an excuse when its your own fault you missed the target.

Chokes are fine, as all the others broke. 

My apologies I did not mean for the old post to be publish along with my latest post. Just thought that a clip from my next video would be of interest.

It would appear that I am completely out of my depth amongst all you "Master Clay Breakers" but will still potter along as a "Newbie" and will not inflict my puerile observations furthermore. However, I can assure you that with over 60 years experience that the range is accurately stated. (I also designed the camera and placed the iris setting!) All the best & Goodbye
Gordon, don't be cross the very fact Hammie put a smilie is showing you he is not being horrible  - we all get ribbed from time to time.   Hammie is actually very helpful and knowledgable and is a nice person.   I still disagree about choke as I do use open chokes on absolutely everything and they will all think me mad as well for doing so but that's me.  Your observations are not purile and if you are a newbie you can actually learn a lot here as I am doing and continue to do so.  On here we have ongoing jokes about different things including range, chokes, POA, POI and the list goes on.  Don't go.

I agree with Sian, no need to go, if everybody flounced online after a bit of ribbing there wouldn't be any forums!!!!

stick around mate.


My apologies I did not mean for the old post to be publish along with my latest post. Just thought that a clip from my next video would be of interest.

It would appear that I am completely out of my depth amongst all you "Master Clay Breakers" but will still potter along as a "Newbie" and will not inflict my puerile observations furthermore. However, I can assure you that with over 60 years experience that the range is accurately stated. (I also designed the camera and placed the iris setting!) All the best & Goodbye
Come on Gordon, you can't blame us because you managed to put the wrong (same?) clip on, what did you expect to happen ? You posed a question as a newbie and you need to pick what's useful from amongst the answers including the witty parts (many a truth spoken in jest as they say :) ), it is of course entirely possible that the second clay is a long way but it doesn't look like 40 yards and even if it was it would still break with open chokes because it's not edge on. 

I actually happen to be one of those who thinks tight chokes are better (overall) but experience tells me here we're looking at shot placement issues. Part of the clue to that is the poor breaks from previous shots, this is actually a classic case of target/break reading. I hope you stay because we need (I personally love) people who can design cameras and iris settings.  :cool:

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Come on Gordon, you can't blame us because you managed to put the wrong (same?) clip on, what did you expect to happen ? You posed a question as a newbie and you need to pick what's useful from amongst the answers including the witty parts (many a truth spoken in jest as they say :) ), it is of course entirely possible that the second clay is a long way but it doesn't look like 40 yards and even if it was it would still break with open chokes because it's not edge on. 

I actually happen to be one of those who thinks tight chokes are better (overall) but experience tells me here we're looking at shot placement issues. Part of the clue to that is the poor breaks from previous shots, this is actually a classic case of target/break reading. I hope you stay because we need (I personally love) people who can design cameras and iris settings.  :cool:

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I know its a midi target but..... you could drive a coach and horses through that pattern, let alone a full size, edge-on clay!!


I have had some great kills on edge on targets with open chokes at distance.  

I bet you've had some great misses too :)

Trouble is with that kind of pattern you never know whether the miss was due to poor pattern or poor pattern placement?



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