Vote for a new National Director now!

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Tinker bell said:
We have 3 to choose from in the SE...

Eeeeny meeany miiiny mooo

Things have to get better because in a whole year we have not had a Regional meeting (last one was the Regional AGM and the next one is the Regional AGM). Our county has not had any communication from the existing director at all......not a sausage..

Some communication lessons need learning because at the minute we have no information sharing either up or down the chain.

The only thing I have had all year is the calendar, the request for inter-county team ...and the results of inter-county teams.

Don't go any further with this traditional children's nursery rhyme, you might get the Clarkson treatment.

I urge every CPSA member to vote here - it's free, and is the one area that you can directly influence the way the CPSA Is steered. 

I'd recommend reading the bio of each of the candidates, and deciding which ones have the experience and wisdom needed to help guide the ship. 

I spent 10 mins, and it was clear where my crosses should be. 

Tinker bell said:
Apart from the initial announcements......I have no idea what contribution the independent directors have put in....?
Filling skills gaps is a full time job... no time to communicate in between the gap filling. 

I find Nicola's post number 19 amazingly disappointing. Is this really the state of our Sport?

I am involved in our sport practically nearly every day of the week , I find time to be a member of our County and our Regional Committees, sadly I do not find time to shoot as often as I would like to do , but my enthusiasm has not wained.

Amazingly whilst going around shoots refereeing , coaching etc., I meet many moaners about our sport ( I am pretty good at that myself).

When the chance comes to do something about it , they cannot be bothered, many have thrown their PULL magazine in the bin along with their voting forms, many cannot be bothered to fill it in and pop it in a post box.

Elections are your chance to assist in forming the future of our sport.

Please let us all stop this apathy and actively get involved and make our sport as wonderful as it truly can be .

It's always the same though.

Organisation I currently chair have an annual weekend get together/AGM, to try and get a higher turnout we proposed and asked for suggestions as to how we could make it more attractive to members, the tickbox questionnaire was sent out with the news letters. The response? Nothing, zip, nil, nada, zero, nothing...... sometimes committee work is pretty thankless and you wonder why you do it.

On the other hand these organisations wouldn't exist without the people prepared to put in the time/effort and ALL members would lose out. Like elections if you can't even be bothered to use your vote you have no right to bitch or complain if you don't like the way things are run.

:fie:  Nah! I don't do politics! I just wanna shoot! :crazy:  .    I wanna be a Ukip M.P.

Having had the pleasure of spending time with Peter earlier this year, I wouldn't hesitate to give him my vote if I was a member of CPSA.
Absolute ditto, other than this year is now last year........ Go Peter!

:fie:  Nah! I wanna prop up a bar with a pint and talk bollocks like most of them on here! :crazy:  

Tinker you obviously do not know me very well ! Me go quiet? Ask the Lovatt's or Mr. Nightingale.

I understand that allegedly I have been very blunt, possibly rude but definitely very truthful to a few Board members.

The forum membership is now approaching 2,900 and whilst not everyone is a CPSA member I would imagine that we must account for 10% of the membership.

To my mind that means we should be consulted by directors and that should not be limited to those that they choose to speak to at a shoot!

I had a telephone call from a very disgruntled CPSA member today.

I explained that whilst I would do everything in my power to assist him I hoped that he would vote for me in the forthcoming election.

" What election?" " How do I vote for you?" " What form?"

A ground owner I work for has not received a ballot form. He can't be bothered to get one from Bisley.

:fie:  Peter can you believe the apathy of some shooters? these are usualy the ones who sit on their ***** and moan and groan. :fie:  

I had a telephone call from a very disgruntled CPSA member today.

I explained that whilst I would do everything in my power to assist him I hoped that he would vote for me in the forthcoming election.

" What election?" " How do I vote for you?" " What form?"

A ground owner I work for has not received a ballot form. He can't be bothered to get one from Bisley.
Perhaps that's one thing you could do - get him a voting form


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