westfield 15th april same again please

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To me tough but fair is a stand that a AA shot would reasonably expect to hit 9 or 10 and where an A class shot would reasonably expect to drop one but be happy if he doesn't. Quite simply if you're aiming to make those guys shoot 80 or less then you've made it too hard.

The easiest thing in the world is to put on short window combo's and big distances and edgy stuff that rely on luck and judgement to make things a lottery as well as unenjoyable.
Exactly Hammy!!!

I remember a time way back Krieghoff Classic i think and there were layouts whereby people were coming off with single figure scoures and even the top shots were managing on average 15ex25 on one of the layouts, that is not enjoyment at all.

A few hard ones here and there is no problem but trust me shoot overseas in some of the majors and you will most certainly on average see nothing in terms of silly targets. They still get missed though.

You learn what tough but fair is over time. Think I made examples in my previous post for example the single and double point in Fitasc. That would be a classic example of stepping over the line when not needed.


There have been sporting shoots as well simmo driven straight at you like sh*te off a shovel I saw many older folk not even get a second shot off! It was hard enough to hit one of the driven so why beat up shooters twice.

Like I said there are fine lines so what do you do?


Totally agree with Ed, Registered Competitive targets should be just that, most shoots now are no more than 1/4 choke shoots, and window shooting, it’s all well and good shooting 86 in 'B' class but how demoralized are you going to be when you shoot in AA (82% AA cut off), shotguns were designed for moving targets not static,dosent it make you feel better when you pull through a target with some leed and see it break ? to progress through surely you start of at your local club shoot then progress to competitive shoots to see how far you have come on? seems to me these days everyones singing out of the same hymn book, big scores squit targets big entries for now, come decent shoots like Westfield’s England qualifier people can’t cope with good targets, nothing there was out of range and all shootable just better quality ? Top shots will always put the scores in but shots who think they have progressed shooting tame shoots will go away feeling demoralized, then complain to the ground owner it to 'HARD' instead of trying to improve..... My thoughts only :smile: :smile: :smile: , no one should go to a England Team qualifier and say its to hard, it is for the best to compete to get in the team, and luckaly it allows us average shots to have a go also, what other sport allows this :D :mellow:
I don't think anybody is saying it was too hard on here everybody says it was a good shoot from what I can see.

In general Steve throws exceptional targets week in week out from what i am told.

All I am saying is there is a fine line and we have seen it before when a consistently hard targets have killed a shoot and demoralized the lower classes.

At selections and majors raise the level but everyday registered shoots I can not see changing to much to be honest.


Firstly, not everyone shoots to achieve an average or a class, some people like to shoot to test themselves, some like to shoot high scores etc etc.

The fact is you can't say Westfield was too hard, and everyone I have spoke to WITHoUT EXCEPTION thought it was a brilliant shoot. If that was the case then I'd say it was spot on!

There are hard targets that have been thought out, are very breakable and well laid out that can be broken consistently then there are hard targets where someone chucks a trap out and expects you to shoot a bird at 70 yards through a hole in a hedge; don't confuse the two.

If you like soft targets either take up skeet or go to places that consistently stick soft stuff on. Funily enough the consistently soft grounds seem to have the lower numbers of entries, and then everyone moans when C class is won with 88.

You can't have it both ways people!

If all have said they enjoyed it them Steve has done his job.

It is all about entertaining the punter with 'clever target' and they can be long or short , fast or slow. But a clever target makes you think (like the 2nd target at stand 1 on the RBSS challenge that George went back to look at again) that it is doing one thing when in fact it is doing something slightly different. That makes it entertaining.

Last time at RBSS I hit a 2 on stand 1! I have got worse with it. A new relaxed approach next time.

Mind you I did straight 3 stands last time, so in the spirit of this thread, I will now be shooting them while blindfold, aboard a unicycle.


Funny how different birds cause people issues, and not others. I know George never hit the secon bird on his first card, and didnt get many on his next 3! But that was a stand that 1 shot a 10 straight, 2x9s and on my last go in perfect conditions a 7! Where there could be another bird that I dont like that George or anyone else could turn up and break one after another.

How I see it is people are less inclined to put the leg work in nowadays, they want AA/AAA scores quick. Going to grounds that throw soft birds week in week out and avoiding those that throw tought stuff will have 2 outcomes.

Firstly when they do come across a shoot that is out of their comfort zone they have a melt down, and secondly (and you can see this happening already) everyone starts carding unreasonably high scores that do not reflect theitr ability, and then the old "sandbagging" slur gets thrown around because B was won with 91.

This has only started happening over the last few years, and the sport is worse for it in my view. If people want to start putting in big scores start putting more time and structure into it.

Good to get the feedback.

I think what Allison was referring to in her email was - do you want that exact same layout again. As much as a tease as anything else because you can't have it again, even if you wanted it, it's been dismantled!! :huh:

I've been setting the 100 birders for 8 years, week in, week out, all weathers and all pressures. One thing I've learned (yes, just the one!), is that I know how to crank it up when I want to and how to bring it back to normal. It's taken a long time and you can all tell me about the 'ones I got wrong' but we all make mistakes sometimes!!

The next Westfield shoot will be entertaining, it will have variety, it will suit all abilities and eye sights. It may be affected by the weather if something untoward happens that I can't sort out but all things being equal it will be a good shoot that challenges and entertains. :wink:

A good day's shooting, value for money, enjoyable, scenic, friendly, fun and all being well, a good payout to boot. Life's difficult enough at the moment without getting too beat up in your hobby as well :(

Maybe we should make 1st in every class a jerry can of petrol?!! :cool:


PS - I left Ally this to type up today whilst I'm at work at Weston Wood - I don't spend the day around the shootclay forum!! :unsure:

Funny how different birds cause people issues, and not others. I know George never hit the secon bird on his first card, and didnt get many on his next 3! But that was a stand that 1 shot a 10 straight, 2x9s and on my last go in perfect conditions a 7! Where there could be another bird that I dont like that George or anyone else could turn up and break one after another.

How I see it is people are less inclined to put the leg work in nowadays, they want AA/AAA scores quick. Going to grounds that throw soft birds week in week out and avoiding those that throw tought stuff will have 2 outcomes.

Firstly when they do come across a shoot that is out of their comfort zone they have a melt down, and secondly (and you can see this happening already) everyone starts carding unreasonably high scores that do not reflect theitr ability, and then the old "sandbagging" slur gets thrown around because B was won with 91.

This has only started happening over the last few years, and the sport is worse for it in my view. If people want to start putting in big scores start putting more time and structure into it.

Well said that man... ^_^

Westfields is a class shoot with good variation of targets and a great setting & also well run, got to be close to No1 ground for sporting/FITASC in the country :wink:

Ed i have now got closeitas syndrome with the K80, seem to be missing close slow birds now when coming to the last couple of stands its driving me nuts any idea ?? had Clint in tears at Westfields Saturday . and even worse at Longridge ? do you have any ideas im pulling my hair out, went to RBSS yesterday 2 stands to go 4 targets away and missed a bucket load on last 2 stands ??? also the four missed were four last birds ??

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Without seeing you shoot it could be anything mate, your probably over complicating what you need to do at a guess, but again dont want to make suggestions without seeing you at work!

Missing last birds out then chances are you are tightening up. Relying on your skill has broke the first 3-4 pairs fine, dont try and force the issue at the end. You practice so you dont have to "try" and shoot.

Train hard, fight easy as they say in boxing.

That will be £50

Hey Ed so you didn't finish the shoot then? Did you start it at all??

Are you going for the Team this year again? Shame if you dont mate.


yep I did 3 stands and wasnt on it for whatever so didnt carry on. I did hand my card in though :) Yep I will be going for the team again (and the FITASC one). Was one of those days where It was clear from the first shot I wasnt at the races, shame as although Ive not done much this year yet Id shown signs of early form, but very early days yet so Im not worried. Its a marathon not a sprint for the team!

For me its more how I feel Im shooting in relation to what I know I should be shooting as opposed to just beating everyone else (if that makes sense) I can be more pissed off if I win a shoot on 94 when I didnt feel I shot to my potential than coming 3rd on a 92 that I was happy with. Equally if I turn up and dont feel like shooting I have been known to leave without pulling the trigger! You need to want to be there to shoot well.

Train hard, fight easy as they say in boxing.

That will be £50

cheque in the post m8 :) thanks Ed will give it ago at the Wood

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yep I did 3 stands and wasnt on it for whatever so didnt carry on. I did hand my card in though :) Yep I will be going for the team again (and the FITASC one). Was one of those days where It was clear from the first shot I wasnt at the races, shame as although Ive not done much this year yet Id shown signs of early form, but very early days yet so Im not worried. Its a marathon not a sprint for the team!

For me its more how I feel Im shooting in relation to what I know I should be shooting as opposed to just beating everyone else (if that makes sense) I can be more pissed off if I win a shoot on 94 when I didnt feel I shot to my potential than coming 3rd on a 92 that I was happy with. Equally if I turn up and dont feel like shooting I have been known to leave without pulling the trigger! You need to want to be there to shoot well.
Your scores missing Ed hope you reported it to the CPSA like the good honest bloke you are!!! LMAO!!!! Rebel!!!

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Your scores missing Ed hope you reported it to the CPSA like the good honest bloke you are!!! LMAO!!!! Rebel!!!

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
I handed it in, thats where my responsibility ends!! You know me too honest for my own good!

There seems to be a prevalence of this "false economy" in sporting in recent years. We now see people jump from C class to A class straight away ! I don't feel sorry for those who get in to A class and then feel gutted when they drop into the 60's or 70's at a shoot that requires a bit more than bead at the clay ! Shoots like the England qualifier help to identify those who have shot shoots that haven't varied greatly in their standards.

When you look at the top few on the results sheet these guys shoot anywhere and everywhere. They have learned to shoot every variation of target. Sorry Squit shooters you need to get out and shoot a larger variation of targets. The best shooters always have been and always will be those who shoot the most grounds and expose themselves to harder targets, so if you don't wan't to feel like a fool when you go to a shoot like this , get out and expose yourself to it. Hell you might even get out of A class (down or up is up to you !!)

People need to forget about "high scores" , judging the distance in targets between yourself and the HG is a better way to measure your performance !


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