Westfields 16. 3.14 Too Hard or Spot on

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jim french

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2011
Westfield Sunday in my opinion was sporting as it should be, very enjoyable, class scores correct... what say the rest of you.

Spot on, even though I didn't score as high as usual really had to work for birds, a cracking shoot didn't feel it was too tough on the "hard" stands, just a little less gimmi birds which in my book is just fine. Really found a couple of stands it was the combo of the targets that made the pair tough, and not the individual birds...very cleaver.

Anyway it's just made me more determined than ever so bring on the next one.

Thought this shoot was how shoots should be set up , class scores where they should be ,

The targets had speed and distance , combined with tricky angles, a good testing shoot

We'll done Steve ,and congratulations to Richard faulds with a remarkable score, hopefully see more

Of these type of shoots at westfield

We'll there you go folks put a good quality shoot on and the comments are not cricket scores there positive and what a shot gun was made for, seems mr Lovatt got this one right, you got to take ur hat of to him he is a breath of fresh air in this sport, trying different methods and of course the white gold qualifier, FITASC sporting well done that man, my only gripe would be it would be nicer to see the pay structure further down class instead 1st in class winning the big cash yet 2nd & 3rd big gap, maybe do £70'£50,£30,£20 and so on same amount cash & nice to pick up, but hay what ever ur ding the crowds are there and that's good for the future of the sport......

Like the sound of this one >>> shame it clashed with our county DTL and S/B and Tony King's memorial shoot at St Dials, and to make it even more annoying there is nothing much on this weekend locally, looks like a away day up to Garlands for me and Chipper..... 

Thought it was spot on.

There was some very clever combos out there.

I think someone said somewhere, that it wouldn't have been to far out of place for a proper championship shoot. :bb:

Well done Steve :good:

Great shoot Steve as I enjoy a challenge.
I get the feeling you have a point to prove though?
How is that going!?
Whatever the outcome I'm sure it will only result in another great shoot.

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I really enjoyed it.
Shot a 68 but if I had applied myself would have easily been 74/5
Shot the harder stands well.

It's all very well people saying what a great shoot it was,But for a lot of entrant's who come to hit as many clay's as they can, you can guarantee after two or three weeks of having there scores plummet they are going to go elsewhere.We all know how passionate Steve is about his targets, but he is still in it to make a living,so unless Steve has got some plan up his sleeve make the most of it while it last's.

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Maybe my inexperience shows as to be honest I found it "different" to usual but no more difficult than usual (for me).  I saw with my own eyes lots of competent and even excellent shots do quite badly for them including my husband who really did shoot like a numpty although surprisingly he enjoyed what he saw as a "change" from usual at Westfield.   As I said somewhere else, I actually felt what I did hit I hit really very very well so felt an improvement had occurred.  I am at the lower end of the range of shooters to visit Westfield but I would not want to see it dumbed down at all.

It's all very well people saying what a great shoot it was,But for a lot of entrant's who come to hit as many clay's as they can, you can guarantee after two or three weeks of having there scores plummet they are going too go elsewhere.We all know how passionate Steve is about his targets, but he is still in it to make a living,so unless Steve has got some plan up his sleeve make the most of it while it last's.
That's why we shoot in the CPSA class system Chris ?? there are more than enough soft target grounds to balance out anyone's average, and many you can have a practice at days before the shoot !! in reality it levels out through the year.

We seem to have come accustomed to very high scores over the last 5 years so no doubt this may have been a step to far for many, so what ! surely it's about a learning curve, not a numbers game ? yes it's nice to shoot the big scores but more over it's about obtaining a average over the year which says how far anyone has actually come.

May be the "Dubai" shoot has enticed people to come out of their comfort zone a bit ? it's really all about what shooters perceive, is good for them, at their current stage of ability ??

There seems to be plenty of clientele wiling to shoot any day of the week, and grounds are providing that option, so if people want big scores ! look in the results column and head that way!!!  I have thought for many years now Westfield, puts you correctly where you are, in the class system with it's current average figures !!!

Be very thank full we live where we live mate ???????  

I cant argue with a thing you say Clynt, But not everybody has the same outlook as yourself. I have no idea what the percentage breakdown is, but there is a lot of people who come out on a sunday to break clay's, and any shoot has got to cater for the majority to make any profit.

I remain convinced that anybody with a CPSA average, to be realistic needs to shoot at plenty of different grounds. At least 5 and better if its 10+

Will, Without doubt your right, a true average has got to be spread across all aspects of the game.

Get that Chris but unfortunately the real world is what it is ! Finances are what drives many to give what they believe is good for the majority ? I know many find my views objective, but my world is black and white ...never seen grey as a option !

We are curbing target quality to match mid stream ability, where in my view we should enhancing ability to suit targets, long term this promotes stability and steady progress ? shooting the same severity of targets week in week out seems fruitless to me ? why travel to other ares if the targets are all the same ? and you have to admit there is little difference in targets pictures to aquire a target kill ?? 

What I see now is the situation that some one on opting for the softer reg shoots could in theory go from C to AA and never figure in the prize  fund ? the balance is the key to........ladders have steps, a top and a bottom, some are steep and they often reach higher ! many are less steep and don't reach so high ! any one and every one has the choice ..... 

Perhaps that is Why FITASC is getting popular, because ground owners can set challenging targets without having to cater for the high number of entries they get in sporting.


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