What A Lucky Escape...

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As I understand it a shotgun was involved so I guess they are talking about a pellet,which I think you would also notice.

Originally it was believed to be glass fragments from a shattered car window.

He was a lucky policeman by all accounts.


Ask my Dad he was shot many years back and was very lucky. He described it as being whipped in the face with barbed wire and it knocked him over, I still remember visiting him in hospital when I was very young and them cutting the pellets out of his face, of which one is still sitting in his eye socket today. They didn't want to risk operating on him and the potential for him to be permanently blinded. Funny the things you remember as a young child.


Ask my Dad he was shot many years back and was very lucky. He described it as being whipped in the face with barbed wire and it knocked him over, I still remember visiting him in hospital when I was very young and them cutting the pellets out of his face, of which one is still sitting in his eye socket today. They didn't want to risk operating on him and the potential for him to be permanently blinded. Funny the things you remember as a young child.

Sounds like he was very lucky not to loose an eye,or worse! A mate of mine went pigeon shooting with his dad few years back, he handed his dad the guns in the hide,but while he set the decoys out, there was a shot and his dad,s gun had gone off going up through the side of his jaw and face,he was in the middle of nowhere but thankfully farmer managed to guide air ambulance to the field,he survived but lost his eye and spent a long time in hospital . Police seized the guns and arrested my mate on suspision of attempted murder, when he eventually got the guns back the blood had taken all the blueing of the barrels. A terrible situation for both of them
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I have been shooting OT once when somebody let off a shot into a very small brick/concrete wall about two foot high which ran infront of where you stand. Some of the pellets came back and did catch people nobody was seriously hurt but a few pellets did lodge under the skin and drew blood and they were shaken up a bit. The person who let the shot off claimed the gun malfunctioned however his thumb was split pretty badly. I would imagine he had his finger on the trigger whilst closing the gun or something and it went off! Obviously the gun went off where it should do if there is a problem but the concrete/brick wall caused the pellts to deflect back! Not good at all, after that I didn't really feel like shooting the rest of the day especially with that guy!

Good job he was not using steeeeeeel!


It would be still ricocheting now.........Hahahaha

Very true Nicola probably would have been worse, maybe if he had, had to have a test on gun handling this may have been prevented? Then again maybe not?


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