What is your shotgun cleaning routine and frequency?

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Aug 14, 2013
Silicon Valley, California.
After finishing shooting yesterday,  I noticed it took about 30 minutes to clean.

I clean my o/u every time I shoot it.  I will bring both o/u to the range but, end up shooting one

due to the time and effort to clean.

My routine:

Clean and lubricate the receiver.

Wipe down the stock with a wood cleaner/conditioner.

Clean and lubricate the forearm.

Clean the barrel with a brush and jag.

Remove chokes, clean outside of chokes, and clean the barrel area with chokes removed.

A friend that I shoot with is content with using a boresnake and silcone cloth a lot less time spent.

I do exactly the same every 6 months or so but always at least dry the gun with an oily rag if it gets wet.

I clean my gun once it has shot approx 200 cartridges.

Have it down to a fine art and takes about 25 mins, find it quite therapeutic if the truth be known.

I clean my auto every two to three weeks,except the trigger group,depending on usage.The choke is loosened after every shoot.

The trigger group is cleaned every couple of months.

I use WD40 for cleaning and Legia spray for oiling.

Having an air compressor has made the cleaning and oiling process a whole lot easier.All the crud is blown out as is the excess oil.


Can honestly say I have only cleaned my guns about twice in ten years or more even had to monkey wrench the chokes out the other week.

Full length mop through barrels squirt of 303 in action and barrels toothbrush to clean then wipe oil off with cloth. Buff wood with clean dry cloth job done 5 mins. Brush and jag barrels and oil stock every 3 months ish.

Don't have a routine apart from oi love that needs cleaning !.......

Don't have a routine apart from oi love that needs cleaning !.......
Does that really work in your house? Impressed!

If I tried that in my house my gun really would be where the sun don't shine! :fie:

Can honestly say I have only cleaned my guns about twice in ten years or more even had to monkey wrench the chokes out the other week.

Should be reported for cruelty!   :crazy:

I need to get out more!!

Clean gun after every outing. Start by spraying cleaner in the bores, brass brushing each in turn. Then using kitchen roll paper on a jag wipe all the crap out. More bore cleaner and two more final passes with the kitchen roll and that's usually got them shining. Remove chokes and clean with bore cleaner and kitchen roll. Lube chokes and reinsert. Oil the mop and then pass it through each bore. Wipe down action and fore-end metal with a cloth and apply a thin film of grease to all mating faces. Having done it so often i have it down to a fine art and it only Takes about 15 minutes. I only do this cos it's a Perazzi and the bloody bores pit pdq if they don't get cleaned regularly - apparently Perazzi use the same steel that Lancia uses. Oh I wish they would chrome line them like most other major manufacturers.


You can't beat spending a bit of time taking her to bits and giving her a good mopping out on a Sunday after you've come back from the shooting ground !

Cleaned after every use and serviced by the manufacturer annually. I never shoot in the rain so don't have that to consider.

Oily rag when it gets wet. Good clean once a year and comes up like new. Job jobbed

Oily rag when it gets wet. Good clean once a year and comes up like new. Job jobbed
Take the top basket out the dishwasher and pop it in, go back after an hour and its job done - Anyone wanna buy a 23" CG? :crazy:

You must have a big a dishwasher ! Or a very small one ;)

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