What is your shotgun cleaning routine and frequency?

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When I first got the new gun, I cleaned it after every use. 

Squirt of cleaner down the barrels brass brush and mop until shiny, chokes out, cleaned and re greased.Wood wiped down and barrels wiped with oily rag.

1 year in and I now still clean mostly after every shoot, but have missed one or two.

Method has changed slightly. Squirt of cleaner and bore snake,lightly grease action, check chokes and re grease as necessary, wipe down with oily rag.

Every 6-8 weeks clean barrels with brass brush. Clean down action and re grease.

I need to get out more!! Clean gun after every outing. Start by spraying cleaner in the bores, brass brushing each in turn. Then using kitchen roll paper on a jag wipe all the crap out. More bore cleaner and two more final passes with the kitchen roll and that's usually got them shining. Remove chokes and clean with bore cleaner and kitchen roll. Lube chokes and reinsert. Oil the mop and then pass it through each bore. Wipe down action and fore-end metal with a cloth and apply a thin film of grease to all mating faces. Having done it so often i have it down to a fine art and it only Takes about 15 minutes. I only do this cos it's a Perazzi and the bloody bores pit pdq if they don't get cleaned regularly - apparently Perazzi use the same steel that Lancia uses. Oh I wish they would chrome line them like most other major manufacturers. MM
Try 3 squares of toilet tissue folded in half  - wrap this around your jag it makes a perfect fit for a 12 guage

I clean everytime they have been out.even if not fired and the one's that have not been out for a few weeks get a wipe over as well.worked hard for my money so will not watch it go down the drain,also I have my main guns for clays but do like to buy and try different guns from time to time and have made a note of all those who do not clean them so I wont have the mis fortune of ever buying one from them.

I clean everytime they have been out.even if not fired and the one's that have not been out for a few weeks get a wipe over as well.worked hard for my money so will not watch it go down the drain,also I have my main guns for clays but do like to buy and try different guns from time to time and have made a note of all those who do not clean them so I wont have the mis fortune of ever buying one from them.
It might suprise you Boston but virtually everybody has to work hard for their money, most only have the one gun and give it all the TLC it needs, if ever as fortunate as yourself to have a selection am sure that these would also receive an appropriate level of care.

As not in the market for buying and selling fear not you won't have the "misfortune" of being offered my present much used, frequently inspected shotgun of choice.

Ps very nice looking Beretta on your pic, that's the one from another thread I take it, very aspirational I'd assume

I keep a tin of WD40 like stuff in the van and bore cleaning rod (fluffy thing). After every shoot, quick run through with that, then remove forend, and spray and wipe barrels if wet, then once a month strip and clean and reoil hingey bits and ejectors.

Cleaned thoroughly after almost every outing, except if I've shot say on a Saturday and know I'll be out again on Sunday morning in which case I'll run the Paradox rods down the bores before putting it back in the cabinet.  I'm another one who finds the cleaning process rather therapeutic....I must get out more :nyam:

Gave mine a good clean before I went to Westfield!

Try to get it done every couple of weeks unless it gets wets then it sorted soon as!

Just started using the Clenzoil range on it! Easy to use and dose a great job!

Gave mine a good clean before I went to Westfield!
Try to get it done every couple of weeks unless it gets wets then it sorted soon as!
Just started using the Clenzoil range on it! Easy to use and dose a great job!
Think you need to show Ian, as its obviously the way you cleaned your gun, which helped you, with your amazing result on Sunday.
Does anyone still use a "Paradox"  gun cleaner? I purchased one many years ago and still use it to this day.

My OH cleaning my gun his gun and our 9 year old gun :)

he's cleaning guns every weekend when we are able to have a go at clays :) our guns are spotless and I love their smell !

Full clean after every shoot.

Chokes out Clenzoil on rag.

Walnut Oil stock every three months or so.

Occasional bit by bit strip down when I have the time.

I also clean a DT10 when its down to stay too.........

Although Jem has a trick of keeping the Clenzoil in the fridge... 

True story

Sent from my mobile that's my excuse for typos and errors.


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