What lense colour?

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find that yellow seems to work well in snow

wouldn't recommend eating yellow snow though :fie:
If you wear yellow glases, doesn't all the snow look yellow? How much snow do you recommend to eat?  :sarcastic:

But seriously Bryn, yellow is normally recommended for low light conditions. Doesn't it make it too bright? Skiiers normally use dark glasses to cut out the glare.

I would check this out myself, but we don't get snow too often in Devon!!  :biggrin:

I find the biggest problem with lens choice is not the general light conditions as such but the contrast of various background conditions, this is probably more evident for trap disciplines as the target can pass through many backgrounds and then sky. So lens for target pickup point at the trap or 30yds out or at the kill zone, decisions decisions.

Had a good covering of snow up at Auldgirth on Saturday, so after I'd shot 3 rounds of skeet I watched someone else shoot a round through what colours I had to see what worked best, orange clay against snow with heavy overcast sky seemed to be best through yellow.

Yellow snow, you eat as much as you like (if/when you get it), I'll pass :crazy:
