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Went to B&Q yesterday like a cattle market,hoardes of people all on top of each other.

Went back today bit better security on door stopping the flow.

Must have been a hundred plus people in there and i was the only one with a mask!

People are just not getting it!

Going fishing on the beach today,people coming up and saying what have you caught will be summarily executed!!

There are still panic buying here. Miles of queues for the local Tesco. Some folk going to 3 different supermarkets and buying everything. I'm seeing this as natural selection. . Triple your exposure.  Dipsh*ts.  Lockdown will come very soon if these idiots keep it up. Imagine taking the last loaf and then finding the person you took it off is a nurse or doc who you now expect to save you.  Get a grip. 

I'm fully expecting the army on the streets very very soon. 

Was at the garage yesterday getting fuel.( With gloves 😉) Garage superb taking all precautions. Taped out on the floor a two metre gap for distancing. Then the dick in front at the till walks into me on his way out . tw*t. Just not getting it. I suggest everyone watches the report by the sky news guys in Italy. If that happens here either you or someone you know will die. The health service in northern Italy was seriously better off than ours when it started. 

Stay home. Government advice. Necessary journeys only. Government advice. 

Work and home.and food. That's it guys. 

And hopefully no work soon. Now that Boris will pay me I'm hoping for a temporary closure. 


I went to Gatton Bottom today. Quite a lot of people there. Weird atmosphere for me. Soap and water at sign in and scorers in gloves. People were standing in large close groups in places which I was trying hard not to join. Just totally distracted from my shooting and shot a poor score. Felt like doing a job and I shouldn’t have gone really. They say they are shutting after this one. 

We can always practice “dry mounting “at home, and no before any of you pervs get the wrong idea it’s not a euphemism or request


It really shouldn't difficult for people to understand.... STAY AT HOME UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!!! Food Shopping is necessary. Exercise (Walking, cycling away from others is fine) is necessary. Shooting isn't necessary and no matter if you think you and the others are being as careful as possible, you are still likely to either spread the virus or get the virus.

As I said before, I am a NHS Community Physio. I am being redeployed to a hospital as of tomorrow for the foreseeable future. My colleagues are doing the same as they will be throughout the country. We are going to have to work shifts, we are going to have to do stuff we do not normally do. It really isn't going to be pleasant. We are not getting paid extra for this, we are doing it because we have to. 

If you cannot stay away from your sad little obsession of shooting for a few months to help out the NHS, then you are absolute P****s!

Keep ignoring the Government advice and they will enforce it for you!!! LISTEN TO THE GOVERNMENT AND THE EXPERTS AND STOP BEING SELFISH!!!

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About a week a go I was all for trying to continue as normal but this isn't normal, far from it, so I'm staying in as much as possible until I'm told otherwise.

I shot the compak at Owls Lodge yesterday and although I shot fairly well, it didn't feel right.

Looking at the scores around the country today it seems quite a few grounds have remained open and turnout was only slightly less than normal. 

Whilst others may disagree and providing the law allows it, there’s no reason for grounds to close providing the necessary hygiene rules are in place. Social distancing and health safeguards can easily be maintained at shooting grounds and most other small sports venues. Whilst this situation is unprecedented the sport need not and should not grind to a halt.

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It really shouldn't difficult for people to understand.... STAY AT HOME UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!!! Food Shopping is necessary. Exercise (Walking, cycling away from others is fine) is necessary. Shooting isn't necessary and no matter if you think you and the others are being as careful as possible, you are still likely to either spread the virus or get the virus.

As I said before, I am a NHS Community Physio. I am being redeployed to a hospital as of tomorrow for the foreseeable future. My colleagues are doing the same as they will be throughout the country. We are going to have to work shifts, we are going to have to do stuff we do not normally do. It really isn't going to be pleasant. We are not getting paid extra for this, we are doing it because we have to. 

If you cannot stay away from your sad little obsession of shooting for a few months to help out the NHS, then you are absolute P****s!

Keep ignoring the Government advice and they will enforce it for you!!! LISTEN TO THE GOVERNMENT AND THE EXPERTS AND STOP BEING SELFISH!!!
Nick - 

You and the others in the health care are in the most dangerous of situations.  You and they may all just blow it off as a job but I know and anyone who thinks about it for a moment knows that the underlying courage to step willfully into that is beyond the doing of many.  You have my sincerest hope that you make it out the other side.

take care


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Looking at the scores around the country today it seems quite a few grounds have remained open and turnout was only slightly less than normal. 

Whilst others may disagree and providing the law allows it, there’s no reason for grounds to close providing the necessary hygiene rules are in place. Social distancing and health safeguards can easily be maintained at shooting grounds and most other small sports venues. Whilst this situation is unprecedented the sport need not and should not grind to a halt.
I think a lot of clubs have looked at the average age of shooters and have made decision based largely on the risk profile of their patrons. Sensible in my opinion. and a hiatus until the restrictions are relieved seems small price to pay to keep shooting from acquiring another black mark against it. With a bit of help hopefully all grounds can survive somehow.

Once we are over the hump of infection I fear that the bug is going to be with us for a while. Some 'social distancing' at all sorts of get togethers will be necessary for a long time, 18 months at least imo until some sort of herd immunity is built up. Unfortunately we don't know how the bug will mutate, or even if it will although it seems unlikely that it wont given virologists experience. So unless vaccines are available and a continuous program of inoculation and research is in place we will have to live with it going forward.

Medical researchers are working 24/7 to come up with some solutions, if nothing else there is almost unlimited money on offer to someone who cracks the problem first. If someone came up with a vaccine tomorrow, what could they ask for it? Lets hope its someone with a conscience and that it is released 'open source' early on although I doubt that any patent application detailing a vaccine is going to stop world governments from producing the stuff in container loads! ( I wonder what the anti-vaxers are going to do with that one! ) 

In the absence of a vaccine ( Autumn at best I think for something that has been fast tracked through the system ) things like football matches and crowd attended events may remain simply 'out' or may only be attended by people who have already had it for quite some time to come! Someone coughing and looking a bit off colour in a 50 000 seat stadium could be recipe for disaster, although someone doing the same at a clay ground with 30 or so people all carrying guns could be 'interesting'. :)  

Clay shooting and 'semi solo' sports however may well be one of those things where all and sundry can take part provided some basic hygiene is followed and a distance can be maintained; technology may play a bigger part to these games to ensure the minimum of contagion opportunities. Let's hope so. 

Nick - 

You and the others in the health care are in the most dangerous of situations.  You and they may all just blow it off as a job but I know and anyone who thinks about it for a moment knows that the underlying courage to step willfully into that is beyond the doing of many.  You have my sincerest hope that you make it out the other side.

take care

Thank you Charlie. All I and my colleagues ask is that people listen to the advice and keep their social distance. Those people who think it is ok to carry on as normal, should be under no illusion that should they or a family member become ill soon then it might not end well. 

Looking at the scores around the country today it seems quite a few grounds have remained open and turnout was only slightly less than normal. 

Whilst others may disagree and providing the law allows it, there’s no reason for grounds to close providing the necessary hygiene rules are in place. Social distancing and health safeguards can easily be maintained at shooting grounds and most other small sports venues. Whilst this situation is unprecedented the sport need not and should not grind to a halt.
Yeah and there were loads of ********* up Snowdon etc..... People really don't get it do they? You might be well, the other people at the shoots might be well but there is every chance that people are possibly carrying the virus and therefore spreading it further. Do you really need the law to tell you how to act in a decent and responsible way? Are you that stupid? 

Some people do not deserve the NHS.

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Yeah and there were loads of ********* up Snowdon etc..... People don't really get it do they? You might be well, the other people at the shoots might be well but there is every chance that people are possibly carrying the virus and therefore spreading it further. Do you really need the law to tell you how to act in a decent and responsible way? Are you that stupid? 

Some people do not deserve the NHS.
Let’s keep this discussion polite and not succumb to personal insult.

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I really think the world needs to keep on turning if we are to survive after the outbreak. Owls lodge have a recipe that seems good. Abandoning shooting and any other business cannot be good. Adapt, adopt, continue is my motto.

I am one of the biggest scientific skeptics having spent my entire life working in the field BUT anybody who willingly ignores this particular health hazard has a screw not quite properly fixed. Now for me at least shooting is a social event and with the current pandemic that is quite out of the question. It is going to be more than two years before we actually see the end of this virus and it consequences . 

I am one of the biggest scientific skeptics having spent my entire life working in the field BUT anybody who willingly ignores this particular health hazard has a screw not quite properly fixed. Now for me at least shooting is a social event and with the current pandemic that is quite out of the question. It is going to be more than two years before we actually see the end of this virus and it consequences . 
As time proceeds, it seems caution is best, I won’t argue that a social thing isn’t worth the risk. However, in the workplace some risk has to be taken or we will be living in a true apocalypse in a years time. My factory can host machine workers with far less chance of contact than shoppers will face. Difficult times indeed. 

Be sensible then. I make no apologies for my tone. You want to swap jobs with me for the next 6 months? It is time to listen to the advice\guidance of the government and experts!
No I don't want to swop with you, but expect you will have better infection control than me. but my large international domestic appliance company still expects me to carry on as normal repairing 'our customers essential broken appliances' with up to 10 calls a day at different locations.

I could self isolate but would have to claim statory sick pay as they won't make up the difference. For some life go's on and bills have to be paid. Just waiting on the government to give guidlines on that one.


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