I heard of an incident of an accidental/negligent discharge, which had caused minor injury, but could have resulted in a loss of sight (or far worse ! ). It had occurred when a shooter (game shooter) had fired 1 shot and was bringing the gun down to reload. The gun discharged the remaining barrel, injuring someone, who, thankfully was a distance away. This got me to thinking, I have ALWAYS advocated and taught, to remove the finger from inside the trigger guard onto the wood, before ever attempting to open or close ANY gun, including auto's and pumps. I cringe when I see people with their finger inside the trigger guard, whilst performing this operation. There are even 'Vids' on YouTube where people, who should know far better, clearly fingering the blooming trigger on an open gun whilst talking about the guns virtues. They then actually load the gun and fire it, but their finger has never left the trigger. We all know how safe these people are and they have always done this without issue, BUT in every incident of unintentional discharge that I have encountered, the trigger was PULLED ! The very act of opening a shotgun can cause the finger to tighten on the trigger. My maxim being the very last thing you do before calling PULL, is finger on trigger.
Tin hat on and taking cover !
Tin hat on and taking cover !