I may yet get one Nige but the noise factor puts me off to be honest. The best day of ratting I had was a Saturday I took off work after a farmer told me to stop shooting pigeon and get onto his wheat chaffs pile that was heaving with 'em he said. Not believing it to begin with but when I got there I couldn't stop spitting the stench was so vile around the whole place even though it was open air /wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-yell.gif/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-smile.gif. The first 5 minutes I was shooting as fast as I could break and load my HW90 Theoben Euro /wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif, after about four hours I had over 40, mainly all head shot off hand from 5 to 30 odd yards.