Who are they and who's paying?

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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2012
OK, in the pub last night we had one of those conversations regarding odd issues. The first one was about how many stars there are in the universe and the alleged fact that there are more starts than there are grains of sand on all the beaches on the planet.

Then we got onto the alleged fact that each snow flake is unique!  So the question arose as to who actually looks at each snow flake and who counts the stars and the grains of sand!!!

Who are these people and who is paying them to spend their time counting all this stuff and observing bits of ice?

Universities usually, what else have they got to do if the stoods are sober ?

Anyway I know something, dogs is bigger than frogs !!


It's hard to preserve snowflakes to check Les, but 10,000 million stars in our galaxy and 10,000 million galaxies like ours as far as we can tell. There may be 10,000 million universes as well though we can't see outside to know or not.

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A snow flake guide for you Les.



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I feel sure that I and probably everyone else on this planet, must be paying a lot in tax so as to have these people sat counting things and sorting out snow flake indentities!!!!

I reckon you been drinking to much again..Way to much thinking going on. :girlcrazy:
It's what we do over in the West of the county mate! Not only that, but was racking my brain at the weekend as to how that so called ball trap got to throwing almost every target 45 deg to the right.......and almost over the banking!!!!!! :frantics:

Very deep mate. As you say its all Bollox and a way of justifying university sorts (otherwise known as bone idle gits who should get a job instead of delaying being a working adult by staying on at school like a big girls blouse) over paid research into pointless stuff. Its impossible imo to be able to state such things if you cannot prove it, bit like theology .


i am a pragmatic agnostic and have no interest in anything that cannot be proven. But i do love a theological discussion had many many hours of discussion and argument with a very good friend who is a preacher bloke.

Sorry i digress again :)

It's hard to preserve snowflakes to check Les, but 10,000 million stars in our galaxy and 10,000 million galaxies like ours as far as we can tell. There may be 10,000 million universes as well though we can't see outside to know or not.
90% of all statistics are made up

89.7 actually and i know that for a fact

Its like when they say "research suggests" !!! Well suggests does not mean that its a fact! Its just an assumption on the part of whoever is interpreting a set of results, in other words a flippin guess!!!!

Very deep mate. As you say its all Bollox and a way of justifying university sorts (otherwise known as bone idle gits who should get a job instead of delaying being a working adult by staying on at school like a big girls blouse) over paid research into pointless stuff. Its impossible imo to be able to state such things if you cannot prove it, bit like theology .
So do we now have to assume that graduates and the clergy are on one or more of the ips "don't like" lists?

Don't like university sorts, lazy beggars.

Don't mind clergy each to there own but they and the people that listen to them are deluded.

That should be clear enough :)

oh...right...ok....so the clergy and anyone who is religious seems to be borderline with regard to a list but "university sorts" are definately on a list by the look of it!! Ian get that tin hat ready because I'm sure we must have several graduates on this forum! In fact I'm almost sure we have a doctor on here somewhere.

Yes that is correct les. Clergy ok university sorts are on the list.

I live dangerously but hey its a free country and lets be honest does anyone actually think university sorts are anything other than lazy beggars. A gap year what's that about you Havent done any work to need a holiday.


someone once said i was opinionated. I have no idea why.


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