Who are they and who's paying?

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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My point exactly les, a degree in performing circus i mean come on for pity sake. Can we please go back to a university age of Mr chips when it meant something, university now means nothing and has lost any credibility that it once enjoyed.

Only got D's ? never mind lad we will find you something, ah here it is what about a four year degree course in acting like clown i cant guarantee you can have career in it but it will see you through until your 22. What university i hear you say, never mind about that lad its up north somewhere i don't know i have never heard of it either. Sign here for the placement and again here and here for a big wedge of cash, what's that lad, no you don't need to pay it back its called a student loan but the reality is you will never get a job as a clown and even if a miracle happened and you turned out to be the next coco you won't earn enough to need to pay it back, that's it lad sign with a cross if that's the best your comprehensive education can offer.


a point well made and duly accepted

What we all are witnessing is the death spiral of pandering politicians being elected/re-elected on the basis of the successful pandering.

A big thanks for this is due the corporations that demand to be treated as virtual persons but refuse to pay the similar taxes or accept the cultural responsibilities.  We also owe them for the feel-good politicians that they buy that are supposed to soothe the bending over and greasing up of the middle class.

Welcome to the the glories of the 21st Century, the proud recipient of every mistake made in the 20th.

Charlie.....I'm becoming rather concerned that you may be becoming very British in your cynicism!! I further believe that one ips may possibly be giving you online lessons in the subject! We all know how honest and trustworthy politicians are and that they would never sell us down the river in favour of big businesses or rich financiers etc.

Charlie.....I'm becoming rather concerned that you may be becoming very British in your cynicism!! I further believe that one ips may possibly be giving you online lessons in the subject! We all know how honest and trustworthy politicians are and that they would never sell us down the river in favour of big businesses or rich financiers etc.
Love it Les, read your post about a minute after you posted, and just stopped laughing now 

It's hard to preserve snowflakes to check Les, but 10,000 million stars in our galaxy and 10,000 million galaxies like ours as far as we can tell. There may be 10,000 million universes as well though we can't see outside to know or not.
Just to help visualize that.
This image, is called the "Hubble , Ultra Deep Field". Hubble, looked at a bit of space for 11 days, that covered 1/13 millionth of the sky.

Every single speck you can see, is not a star, but a Galaxy (of stars).

Many of the fainter galaxies, are those that were forming shortly after the big bang, so what you can "see", is light that had been travelling for about 13.5 billion years.

Oh and obviously, along with decent politicians, none of those galaxies, or any others besides ours, have life in them...we are THAT special.


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"Oh and obviously, along with decent politicians, none of those galaxies, or any others besides ours, have life in them...we are THAT special."

Recent events, or rather ongoing ones, always make one wonder how much longer this one will have life in it?  What with the incredible and seemingly increasing quantities of stupid, the commonest element in the universe, I find some solace in being old.

This has got very deep. My little brain cannot comprehend things like the universe and stuff. I just want to shoot !

Cue drum roll.

If i was one of those no humour folk i would be very offended but i am not so i pmsl

I was perfectly serious

and it seems that an alternative spelling of Heumere would be appropriate if you want to get all Frog-like but sound English

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(Ninja mode........whilst a civil servant for a few years.......I made up many many stats......I considered it a totally useless exercise ....and so I used it as 'playtime'..the game was to make them more and more barking and see how quickly they were picked up (several of us in the game)...... but.....You know what....they were accepted as normal.

So now I never ever ever ever ever ever trust stats..........especially those from the Cpsa because only about 10 people ever fill them in ...allegedly :laugh: or the stats from British Shooting who all up there own chuff. Plus Cpsa do not understand their own records......they are saying that this is the most successful CWG ...yet India in 2010 had less shooters but more medals. Maybe the one spinning the facts ....when to Uni to do some 'sport spinning' degree..... :laugh: )

Sorry just catching up on this thread.......I am with IPS....very similar story....won't bore you all with the facts.

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Lies, damned lies and statistics eh?

Can't come near to Tinks expertise but statistics was part of my business admin & information management training and while I enjoyed that part of it I wouldn't put any store in them - average, mean, median &etc give anyone disseminating them the opportunity to manipulate the raw info to mean anything they want. Also depends on the survey type, sample group, size and the raw data you choose to look at in the first place.


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