Slavery was once legal, burning witches and apartheid was once legal, popping aboriginals for target practice was once legal, colonialism was once legal (nowadays it has morphed and changed shape somewhat),
legality is a construct of the powerful NOT justice and most certainly not morality.
I am not suggesting they broke the law, I am telling anyone who will open their eyes that
they constructed the law. When that despicable Green dude was bypassing the tax laws of this country and pretending that he owed no tax because the company was in his wife's name and she lived in Monaco
h34r: it wasn't laws they broke but basic human ethics. All governments can fix loopholes in literally weeks if not days, the reason the don't is because the top tier are in collusion with one another and together they point the finger at the weak, the disabled and those who can't answer back. The country's wheels are turned by the middle classes who both work and pay taxes. The lowest tier are in turn kept happy in their misery by being told the enemy is the immigrant. The whole thing is one giant ruse.