Who's where this Sunday?

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Booked on for Sporting Targets this morning, 11am spot, so leave home at 8 get there for 10, one of their excellent bacon sangers, shoot then looking to hit northampton for a lunch burger about 2ish :D

How longs your lesson on 25th Fuz? I may pop up a bit earlier and grab a chat ;-)
Waiting for Ed to stop guzzling mojitos on a portugese beach to confirm start time :.: will be a couple or 3 hours.

For anybody that doesn't know garlands and Oakedge are about 20 mins drive from each other. Garlands has the later booking in time so Oakedge would be the first stop then over to garlands.

Might even try both myself.

It's the wife's birthday Sunday 19th August. I think I will take her out for the day.

Hilton Park, Oakedge, Garlands.

I think it is only fair to pamper her now and again. :smile: :smile:

For anybody that doesn't know garlands and Oakedge are about 20 mins drive from each other. Garlands has the later booking in time so Oakedge would be the first stop then over to garlands.

Might even try both myself.
Ah didn,t realise that could be another double header coming off
It's the wife's birthday Sunday 19th August. I think I will take her out for the day.Hilton Park, Oakedge, Garlands.

I think it is only fair to pamper her now and again.

Don't forget to treat her to a meal as well

Full English at Oakedge should suffice.

For anybody that doesn't know garlands and Oakedge are about 20 mins drive from each other. Garlands has the later booking in time so Oakedge would be the first stop then over to garlands.

Might even try both myself.
That's the plan for me too :)

Sorry fuzzy just seen my last message is still unsent in my phone! The morning session finishes at 12.30 so 1pm if that is ok with you?

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Houston again as always, I will be trying out this new style of shooting like you lot, where you look at the target instead of the bead.

Maybe a mooch round the farm early saturday morning as my housekeeper has the morning off.

How far is Garlands from where I live here in the land of plenty ?


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Chief, pick a weekend where you can visit 4+ 100 bird shoots over a Saturday and Sunday down in Leictershire and make a long weekend of it next year, Grange Farm, ect............thats what I plan to do, finances allowing!!!

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:D You have it wrong :

The South :

The North (i.e. above, say, Milton Keynes) :



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