World championship scores 2021

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Overall I thought the targets across all the disciplines were really good. Nothing extreme albeit I found the Fitasc tough in the wind on Tue. The first time I have been to a comp and completed all the events. I really enjoyed it and would love to go the USA for one of their big events. Need to start saving up as it was an expensive week!

Very mixed for me.

Enjoyed both courses, nothing daft on either and shot fairly well; 88 on blue yesterday and 84 on red today.

Just a shame that on my way this morning someone pulled out on a roundabout near home and went into the front corner of my car, luckily nobody was hurt and everything very amicable but the last thing I needed at the time.

Glad you’re ok Dan, that’s the main thing.  Looks like you shot well though. 

Glad you’re ok Dan, that’s the main thing.  Looks like you shot well though. 
Thanks Donna, I'm fine just gutted as I shot really well yesterday, got a great night sleep then that happened.  Couldn't string it together today, never had any sort of collision before and had zero idea of what I was supposed to be do at the time.

Was neither here nor there at the shoot, found it hard to concentrate but still finished 19th in A, but convinced would have been higher without the setback.

Thanks Donna, I'm fine just gutted as I shot really well yesterday, got a great night sleep then that happened.  Couldn't string it together today, never had any sort of collision before and had zero idea of what I was supposed to be do at the time.

Was neither here nor there at the shoot, found it hard to concentrate but still finished 19th in A, but convinced would have been higher without the setback.
Stress does funny things to us Dan, even if we think we are not stressed it’s there lurking in the back of our minds and even if we are trying so hard to put it out of our minds we can’t.
I had a similar thing last week at the Jack Pyke, 1/2 hour before going out to shoot had a call from my neighbouring shop to say my salon had been broken into during the night!  Luckily she had a spare key so made sure it was locked up again but we done the whole shoot with it in the back of our minds even though we tried to forget it we couldn’t as we’d never been in that situation before and we shot bad and carried it round the whole course with us.  Then with the Worlds we were told my dad had approx 3 weeks to live 3 weeks ago! I was going to cancel and Phil said let’s wait and see what happens.  Well, he’s still here but very poorly and going down hill quickly but the 2 days we shot were hell, I was wondering if when I got back to the car I’d had a call or text etc and even though I tried so hard not to let it affect me it did I’m afraid. 
The main thing is Dan that you’re ok, nobody got seriously hurt, cars can be repaired and you still shot a good score so take that forward with you to the next shoot and shoot well. Might see you at EJC a for the sporting this week, I’m having a crafty day off! Take care xx 


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