Went to the ground , temperature low 30s, impressive set up with loads of trade stands and places to try guns on.
Temp. high 20s beautiful conditions. Shot Browning and Perazzi in olive groves at the top of the hills. Spectacular views, good mix of targets.
Absolutely horrendous morning with torrential rain. Started on Gamebore, mainly in stubble fields, no straw or woodchip down, just mud. I strawed down the hoops as we went round. The last stand was in a sunflower field which you could barely stand up in. I asked the relief ref if we could cut a straw bale open and put down a pathway, but told no. Ridiculous. On the way out the stream had risen to a foot deep, do just had to wade through it. Excellent targets though.
Caesar Guerini was up in a ravine throwing targets from high above and down below. Absulutely outstanding one of the best I have seen. Unfortunately my score matched the temperature 11! Could not stop shivering and blanked peg 2.
Cloudy 19 degrees forecast today. Have bumped into Cyril, Jeremy and Natasha so far.