Bonjour to you all.
The layouts are enclosed to keep the sound in. The ground has previously had problems with noise so they have enclosed them as much as possible and fillled them with acoustic absorbing materials. Also keeps the cattle out
The ground is perched on the side of a hill and the terrain to the upper two layouts is certainly challenging, especially for some of the supervets and less stable in their feet. A minibus is shuttling the olds and infirm the 300 yards up the hill.
Due to the hill hill location all the layouts have a big drop in front of the fosse, making it tricky for those that pick a blade of grass or a weed as their hold point.
The weather up to yesterday afternoon has been beautiful but then we had torrential rain, thunder and lightning and a brief tornado which destroyed the retail tents Andy made the targets impossible. Muggins here had to shoot through it all and managed to drag out a 22. I even git a round of applause from the spectators outside the layout for second barrelling a nigh on impossible target

next highest score on that line was 19, followed by 16, 15, 14 and a 13. I'll post a video clip showing the conditions if Mr Frenchman emails the video later.
Major delays on D layout throughout the first two days meant that those unlucky to have D as their last round didn't get to shoot it until 7.45 to 8.15, at which point the light was very iffy.
Few photos of the ground below