Straights - Simply First And / Or Second Barrel 25 Kills Allowed?

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Phillip Bradshaw

New member
Mar 29, 2014
United Kingdom
Every sport has its disagreements in club houses or grounds throughout the land. This morning's dispute is what constitutes a "straight" be it 25, 75, or 100+ ; should second barrel kills count or not? Obviously a perfect score at DTL is 25/75 etc but can the shooter scoring 25/72 or whatever legitimately claim a "straight"? According to the CPSA they don't concern themselves with such vanity but most grounds do give out achievement badges so what does one have to do to get one? Personally I think that if a clay goes up in one piece and is broken by the first or second barrel then it's fair enough - a pheasant doesn't hang on to this mortal coil if it's hit by a second shot; it's still dead. Any views (or steer towards a bona fides rule made up by a chap in a suit somewhere)?

In my day in DTL a straight was a perfect score so 25/75 etc. Results are points based and 99/297 trumps 100/296.

In other trap disciplines it's kills to count so the use of the second barrel is irrelevant with regards to a straight, except for personal satisfaction.

The CPSA used to award badges for straights upon documentary proof from the ground where they were shot at.

How we were in awe of the guy wandering around with his 25 straight badges sewn onto his shooting vest. ..

I have no idea as I have never hit one. But I would suggest for DTL a true straight would be 25/75 etc. ABT, UT and OT allow both barrel kills so a kill is a kill is a kill.

I'll let you know when. I actually hit one.


As said above ot ut abt is kills to count so second barrel 24 of them and 1 first barrel its still a straight. Dtl is and allways was the same a straght is based on kills silver badge awarded by cpsa for a straight regardles of second barrels but they used to also do a 300 straght badge for those shooters brain dead enough to be able to do one (joking) clubs may decide in there wisdom to award 25.75 etc badges but as far as cpsa and indeed shooters are concerned a straght is a straight and well shot to anyone who does it in any discipline. Any shooter who argues the fact that someone who did a 25.73 hasnt done a straght is a miserable git imo and should show more encouragment and congratulate the shooter on a very good achievement, we all remember every straight we did in every discipline it is after all what we all set out to do every sun morning.

Just looked on cpsa web site and it would appear that they now only do the 100 straight silver badge no mention of 25,50,75 that you used to get.

I've gotten this far and I'm looking for the next one


Thank you for your views gentlemen - I've had a delve into old threads on here and on a couple of forum sites in the US and also Australia; one typical post is ".....shot a 25 - 72 on round 3, well pleased with that first 25 in a comp" so there's a sort of consensus that one can shoot a 25 straight at DTL which scores anything up to 75. It seems the answer is akin to a snooker player who does a full table clearance but doesn't necessarily score 147 in that it's a really great achievement just not absolutely perfect  

What does surprise me in these days of bingle and information overload is that I couldn't actually find a definitive statement from a chap / chapess in a suit and tie (although I've noted that "dusting" a target is officially a near miss rather than a vapourized clay) anywhere. If someone hits all the targets that are thrown it seems much better to celebrate the achievement rather than be drawn to the dark-side and focus on it not being quite perfect.

It seems to me that bodies like the CPSA are perhaps more interested in what a person might score in a competition rather than what one might count as a personal achievement in hitting everything that's been thrown in the air for them at the local club on a Sunday morning. It's just me perhaps but I feel that if the CPSA is to be truly representative of clay shooting then perhaps more attention should be focused on all the members that shoot rather than just those that compete regularly. I am pretty sure that if they did they'd attract many more members from the casual weekend majority that make up many clubs and be a much stronger body because of it (sorry, seem to have blown myself off track!!)

(Incidentally I can't get the forum to post the word "bingle" in the next to last paragraph rather than whatever "bingle" means. Assuming it will do it again when I hit "post" what I mean is the search engine beginning with "G", has a "oo" in the middle and ends with a "gle" !!)

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25 straight is 25 straight, it doesn't matter if they are all second tube! But in a dtl comp it matters a lot, 100 straight but with low points and its useless!!!

I havent got a suit and tie on at the moment but I can assure you my friend that a straight is a straight in all trap disciplines incl dtl trouble is its irrelevant to a degree as cpsa in there wisdom seem to have done away with the whole concept other than 100 which is a shame for new shooters. As a young 23 yr old I remember being chuffed to bits getting my cloth 25 straight dtl badge through the post. I would have run out of space on my vest when I had dtl and 25.50.75 abt so condenced it down to just my silver 100 badge which I still wear proudly :)

25 straight is 25 straight, it doesn't matter if they are all second tube! But in a dtl comp it matters a lot, 100 straight but with low points and its useless!!!
yes les in comp 100 is nothing unless its got 290+ after it but for credibility a straght is a straight imo


proof of the fact is that cpsa awarded me in about 1990 with a 100 straight badge for a 100-295 I have never done a 300 but went on to do quite a few of those pesky 290s


proof of the fact is that cpsa awarded me in about 1990 with a 100 straight badge for a 100-295 I have never done a 300 but went on to do quite a few of those pesky 290s
And therein lies the mind game that is dtl !!!!!

Its a stupid stupid game, annoys the hell out of me :)

Me too pal.

I watched an aquantance of mine, AA shooter miss his first target at the kriegoff two years ago, he finished on a 99. 297. The best 99 I ever witnessed, game over but didnt give up and dug in deep shear metal imo. If that was me I would have missed a shed load from then on.

Me too pal.

I watched an aquantance of mine, AA shooter miss his first target at the kriegoff two years ago, he finished on a 99. 297. The best 99 I ever witnessed, game over but didnt give up and dug in deep shear metal imo. If that was me I would have missed a shed load from then on.
Me too!!

Getting 25, <75 in dtl is nice and counts as a straight imo, but going for a 75 is really good fun. Like when you are 15 targets in, its in the back of your mind, you just have to keep it cool for the last 10. Anyone who says trap is boring, they need to get 15 targets straight into a round, and then experience the tension of "finishing your dinner".

Ive hit four sub-75 25s so far, two 25/75s (got one yesterday), what an awesome feeling. Shot 50 straight about 6 weeks back, made up of a 72 & a 71.

24 in abt is my best, 23 in UT. And 20 in OT is my best, my very first round (witnessed by ips). 21 in skeet, but thats not really trap I guess!

Do ye find it easier to get get straights in practice or in comps?

Hi Rob

You shot well on sunday I saw your score and well done on the 75 and the 50 all coming together nicely for you.

Oh and yes I can vouch for bob1's 20 on his very first OT shoot, I thought it was a little too good so had a word with the ground staff and he is now banned :)

Easier to get straights in comp or practice ?

That is a very interesting question, I suppose neither but for different reasons.

Comp you are generally more focused and determined but possibly anxious.

Practice you are generally more relaxed and no pressure but prob not fully focused so no real definitive answer IMO.

Thanks Ian,

Ya, I thought "This OT isnt that hard.." after that 20. Dont think Ive hit more than about 17 since then!

I hit my first 25 in dtl during a coaching session before Xmas, but the others have been during comps. I feel Im more motivated and focused during comps, so more likely to get all 25. For me anyway, but I have been shooting mainly comps recently.

Is it worse to miss the first clay, and then hit the rest, or hit 24 & drop the last? Or drop one somewhere in the middle?


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