trap guns... abt, ot?

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2012
watching the OT in london just wondered why most trappies used perazzi or kreighoff, didnt see many other makes there. is there a reason why?

also, do they use 30in or 32in generally and why?

(apols prob a daft question just interested to hear from serious trappies)

watching the OT in london just wondered why most trappies used perazzi or kreighoff, didnt see many other makes there. is there a reason why?

Because thats who gives them free guns in sponsorship. If they were buying them theirselves they would probably all shoot MK38's :D :.: :D

Because thats who gives them free guns in sponsorship. If they were buying them theirselves they would probably all shoot MK38's :D :.: :D
and in all seriousness?

the other you see are ASE or DT10s....?

Perazzi.............Fast trigger pulls. Excellent guns.

I had never fancied a Perazzi until 2 weeks ago. I've picked a few up and shouldered them before, but always thought, "ok, don't see £7000 in this gun". That was until I picked up a 34" MX2000 with 6mm rib.......WOW!!! Felt light, it wasn't, it was just perfectly balanced and the sight picture looking down 34" of 6mm rib is amazing!!! Yeah, I can see why anyone would want to shoot trap with that gun, the old boy who owns it shoots mostly DTL, a bit of sporting and all his game with the Perazzi.

intereesting, guess the only way is to try one. Any downside for 29.5in on things like DTL and ABT?

29.5 is perfect length for Helice. (wink) it will also be easypeasy for DTL etc.

Of course like everything it depends on the operator (laughs).

29.5 is perfect length for Helice. (wink) it will also be easypeasy for DTL etc.

Of course like everything it depends on the operator (laughs).
not to whippy for DTL then? agreed everything is about the operator and hence the question really, if its pointing in the right direction it will do the job well enough so why £7k versus £2k for my miroku....? does look pretty tho.

Nope if the operator is ok.

I have mirks as well but ever since going onto Mrs P it has opened up a whole new world. everything so much easier.

(in my opinion)

Nope if the operator is ok.

I have mirks as well but ever since going onto Mrs P it has opened up a whole new world. everything so much easier.

(in my opinion)
easier in what way? did you change barrell length too?

Trigger pulls much quicker.

Don't dwell too much on little details (an inch here a half inch there) just take one and shoot it. Get the feeling of the gun and if it suits your style.

I also love the way the balance of Mrs P is between the hands and not back or front heavy.

Introduce 'feeling' of guns and you will enjoy more.

Pattern it so you know where you are (if you know how to pattern) tweak if ness, then go and shoot it and enjoy it.

Ahora, hasta luego, voy a mi classe de Espanol.

i've got a great Mk38 gd 5 32in teague and adj stock as a starter but long term intent is to pursue ABT, UT and OT. so wondering if i just find my feet then get something more appropriate and get it fitted.

To recap: 32" is a british anomaly - the rest of the world use 30" or 750mm for OT. Internationally only USA use Krieghoff. The Russians could use anything they want but it's Perazzi. As we've pointed out before 14 of the first 15 places in the OT at the Beijing Olympics went to Perazzi. Mauro Perazzi makes sure of this. Beretta the largest gun manufacturer in the world would like a piece of this action.

Stick to the Miroku Mk38, Ian Peel never shot better than with his. Mind you he's not bad with his current Perazzi...

To generalise for trap, use 30" of barrel per six foot of shooter. Newbie I remember is 6'3" so is a natural 32 barrel.

I've campaigned with 27.5, 28.5, 750mm, 32" and 34" Perazzi and in general I liked them longer. Don't mistake extended chokes for the same - we're talking extended rib length, not barrel.

An aside - leave out multichoke on very long barrels unless they reduce the weight. For years I liked heavier and heavier barrels then realised damn, all I needed to do was lighten the stock :mellow:

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The petite ones use 682s, else Perazzi. Mind you I suppose they could be fakes...

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Can't see it myself, but the Germans do support their own makers [or the other way round]


Richard Faulds

Carl Exton


Aaron Heading


Charlotte Kerwood

Shona Marshall

Abbey Burton

Ed Ling

Peter Wilson

Steve Scott

Steve Walton

The weird skeletal stocks you're seeing are German Nill-Grips [budget about £2k]

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We haven't seen a Krieghoff on the OT circuit since Ben Husthwaite gave it a good go.

I like the trivia 40UP - could be a thread on its own.

Here's another (I don't know the answer) - has anyone won an Olympic medal in OT with a Miroku?
